Website is super slow in IE7


I have put my website online to see how different browsers were supporting it on multiple OS, however in IE7 (Don’t have access to 6 and 8…) it’s VERY slow.

The page has nothing but text, CSS and images. No code behind at all. The url is

If someone could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated…

Thanks !

Hi there,

I just tested your page and it works fine in IE 7 - IE 10 for me.
I might point out that the nav bar is broken in IE 7 though :frowning:


Yeah I saw about the bar, however it was less alarming to me (for now) than the super slow speed… I don’t know why it does that, there must be something in my ul-li that IE7 doesn’t support xD

Hmmm I can’t edit my last message… However, did you try to select the text ? That’s how I figured the site was very slow under IE7 :wink:

Hi there,

It’ll probably be something like a display:inline-block; declaration.
If that’s the case, the IE7 display: inline-block; hack is as follows:

display: inline-block;
*display: inline;
zoom: 1;

You can only edit messages for 15 minutes (or is it 30?) after posting.

I’m not sure what you mean here.
Do you mean select it with my mouse?
That works fine in IE7, but makes no sense as to why that would be an indication of speed.

Yes, select the text with the mouse, like as if you wanted to copy the lorem ipsum… On the computer I am using to test, it gets very laggy and the highlight takes some time to appear.

Nah, that’s an issue with your computer.
Nothing to do with your website.
Maybe you can find another computer running IE7 and try it again there.
Anyway, the good news is that I cannot reproduce your issue at all :slight_smile:


It’s 30. :)[/ot][/FONT]

Try going through your add-ons and disabling/deleting the unnecessary ones. I remember I had a security/fingerprint add-on that caused my IE to take 30 seconds to open.