Website Internal link nofollow in CPanel

My website internal links are showing no follow i am using c -panel or i want to make it dofollow what should i do now?

Actually my website is access with two version www or without www and it was also access index.html but now i edit .htaccess code file and and also do redirect (301) for the page index.html now website is accessing with www version and index.html is also redirect to home page but problem is that all internal links are showing nofollow please help me with the .htaccess code what should i do now. For more info find the snapshot of the .htaccess code and nofollow links please tell me what can i do now so that link makes do follow need your help asap

<a href="" target="_blank">Manali</a>
<img src="Manali Images.png" alt="image" />

It’s not really clear what your setup is. I doubt CPanel would have anything to do with this. Are you using a CMS of some kind?

No i am not using any kind of CMS please find the image for reference don’t know much about coding

Well, that just tells me that you have rel=“nofollow” on every link in your HTML. So open your file(s) in an editor and remove them. :slight_smile:

If i remove.htaccess file after that my website will be accessed with multiple version for example- www without www or index.html it cause fall in ranking which i don’t want please do some needful…