Website doesn't look the same on Chrome, Firefox or Edge


I am surprised that a new page I am working on looks so different between browsers.

On Chrome the logo appears too close to the banner and the combo boxes don’t have the expected padding.

On Firefox the combo boxes appear with a grey background I couldn’t figure out where it’s coming from

On Edge it’s coming up as my client’s wants it

Each browser has its own inbuilt for these things. You have to create your own custom combo boxes. You can reduce the problem a bit by adding CSS to the combo box, but it will still be different appearance.

You’ll need to give us a sample of the code so we can inspect it. Give us a URL or copy/paste HTML, CSS into a text block on this page.

You are going to want to define a margin, probably between 5 and 20 pixels on the bottom of the image.

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This article will help you understand the difficulty of styling select elements.

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Paul, your article was very helpful and solved my issue.

Thank you very much (once again).