Virtual company file server

I know there are thousands of virtual companies out there. What I’m looking for doesn’t seem all that unique.

I have a single folder with all my client files, I want to sync this folder from my primary computer at work to a remote server somewhere. When I work remotely using my laptop, I want to be able to access all the files as a drive on my computer. I DO NOT want to sync the files to multiple computers - I have 50GB of files that I do not want to be on multiple computers taking up disk space. I eventually want to allow my subcontractors to have read/write access to all the files - again as a drive, not synced to their computers (I do not want them downloading all 50GB of files to their computer - they don’t need that wasted space and will only access 15-20 current active projects of the 200+ client folders)

Everyone I talk to says this is possible, but ultimately says “use the web-based interface”. That is not what I’m looking for. Web-based interface (like Dropbox) means when working remotely you have to download the files, work on them, then re-upload - NOT what I want to do anymore. I have forgotten to upload files too many times and had to drive all the way back home to my laptop to retrieve the files to use at work. I also do not want sub-contractors having to download/sync all 50GB of files and wasting storage on their computer when they only need access to

Why is this setup so hard to find?

Dropbox per client isn’t possible - I would have to have 200+ instances of Dropbox sync running at the same time.

I spoke with people at Rackspace and they tell me using their Cloud Drive solution this is all possible.

Probably because you want to have your cake and eat it too.

What you probably want to do is setup a dropbox for each client since that seems to be your unit of granularity from an operational and security perspective. Depending on the nature of the client files, you also might want to use a true source control system, but again, your level of granularity is the client so you might want to organize things that way.