Using the Spotify API

Trying to learn how to use APIs. I’m having some difficulty. I’m trying to get the results that a user searches for to be displayed on my page as thumbnails. I keep getting a 400 Error with my current code. If you’re able to spot my mistakes, please help. Thanks.


<!DOCTYPE html> 



<script src=""></script> 

<script src="script.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">



  <div class="top">

    <h1>Spotify Song Search</h1>


      <input type="search" placeholder="Search for a album or band" id="song">

      <button type="submit" id="search">Search</button>



  <div id="music">





$(document).ready(function() {

$('form').submit(function(evt) {


    var $searchField = $('#song');

    var spotifyAPI = "" // needs end point

    var albums = $searchField.val();// Specifies type of user info to be retrieved and sent to Spotify API

    var spotifyOptions = {

        "type": "album",

        "q": albums,

        "limit": "limit"

    }; // Requests data from spotify API. Must be a JavaScript Object

    function displayAlbums(data){

        var albumHTML = '<ul>'; // Opening ul tag to hold a single album result

        $.each(data.albums.items, function(i, album){

            albumHTML += '<div class="album" album-id="' + index + '">';

            albumHTML += '<li>'; // You may need to use bootstrap to style array items correctly

            albumHTML += '<a href="#">';

            albumHTML += '<img src="' + album.images[0].url + '" alt="' + album.artists[1].name + '">';

            albumHTML += '</a>';

            albumHTML += '</li>';

            albumHTML += '</div>';

            return albumHTML;


            albumHTML += '</ul>';


    $.getJSON(spotifyAPI, spotifyOptions, displayAlbums); // Currently, these are only placeholders. The variables inserted as arguments have not been defined as variables



Hi @kautif, I think limit must be a number, not the string "limit".

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