Using loop and indexing to get specific letters in a string

Not sure if anyone lives here, hopefully there is someone watching.

I created the following tuple. How do I use indexing to get, example: All the months that starts with the letter J?

Here is what I have.

monthsOfYear = ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",\\
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
for monthsOfYear in monthsOfYear:
        print monthsOfYear[:j]

I am stuck.

Hopefully someone stops in here.



import calendar

for i in range(1, 13):
    month = calendar.month_name[i]  #get month as a string
    if month[0] == "J":  #check first character of string
        print month


Thanks very much!!


Since this area is a mush of a bunch of languages (the LeftOvers I call them), it’s prolly a good idea to state which language you’re using too (this looks like Python right?).

All I can do is make an idjit uneducated guess until someone else comes along:

for months in monthsOfYear:
        print months[:j]

I mean in other languages it’s
“for singleThing in groupOfThings {
print singleThing[index];