Using jQuery Interactions in Your WordPress Admin

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Throughout this tutorial I will be outlining how you can leverage the jQuery Interactions libraries to create more interactive and easy to manage admin areas and elements.

We will start off with an explanation of what these interactions are along with a summary of the three main libraries we will be using; dragable, dropable and sortable.

After we have the basics of these libraries I will show you how they can be used in a real world situation to extend your administration areas and create interactive zones.

What are jQuery Interactions?

jQuery Interactions are a collection of different libraries that have been created to abstract away some of the fundamental difficulties of building interactive interfaces.

These scripts are part of the jQuery UI (user interface) family and handle interactions such as dragging, dropping and sorting; with these libraries we can create complex functionality without the need of reinventing the wheel.

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Thanks Simon, that was a great introduction for me. I’ve always hoped to develop some drag and sortable content meta boxes for editors much like flexible fields in ACF. This definitely gives me a heads up, cheers

Hey @John_McCarthy. Thanks, hopefully it helps you in your projects. I’ve created a few sortable meta boxes for my themes; generally I think its best to mimic the way WordPress does them (as they work pretty flawlessly)

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