I am using Intelligencia UrlRewriter on an IIS6 website and I got it working well on most issues. I bumped into one and can’t make it work.
My customer added an extra domain name to his current name and we would like to redirect traffic to a particular page.
Say a website called www.mycurrentwebsite.com and the new one called www.myotherdomain.com. The idea is if an url comes with www.myotherdomain.com to redirect the traffic to mylandingpage.aspx; if the url is something like www.myotherdomain.com/otherpage.aspx?id=11&bla=22 just continue.
It must be done using regular expression but I am just not fluent at all at it
This is my 1st try. Not working
<if url=“[1]myotherdomain[.]$”>
<redirect to=“/mylandingpage.aspx” />
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