Suddenly over last couple of months the bounce rates on my site have dropped unbelievably so to 0.28, some days its even 0.0! Now I should be basking in my own glory but I think this is massively out, it should be around 40%. Has any one else experienced this or has anyone got any ideas why this is happening?
Have a look at what people are searching for, what pages they’re landing at and where they’re clicking on to. Do they look plausible?
Has your site fallen in the search rankings? The lower down the list a site is, the more likely you are to have a low bounce rate, because by that stage, you’re only being found by people who are more persistent than most!
Just looked at a few stats just to make sure that it wasn’t correct and in some cases its not adding up. For example I looked at a referring site and it was again showing no bounce rates, but on the graph above it show that half of the visits went 0 pages, which I’m guessing is a bounce?
There may be some issues on tracking code. Please check and confirm others factors link visitors and others. Also check quality of landing page and tracking installed on it.
I have noticed some unusually low bounce rates recently also. I cannot find a direct cause for it. It could be a data issue with Google Analytics, but this is the first I have heard of anyone else having similar issues.
mmmm i don’t have a clear idea about this. It may be because your website contents problem. But most probably there may be some technical mistakes in Analytics. thats why you got the bounce 0.00. Try to complain Google webmaster.
I have never seen this before but if your site bounce rate is like this then it is too good for you and It is happens due to useful content to you site