Undefined index error en php

Hi, I have the following code,

<?php $_SESSION["sese_var"]= "HOLA MUNDO";
echo "EL CONTENIDO DE la variable es :----> ".$_SESSION['sese_var']; ?> <p>
<a href="dos.php">Siguiente</a>

FROM THE PREVIOUS PAGE I link to PAGE 2 SO THAT IT SHOWS ME the value of the variable $_SESSION[“sese_var”]
PAGE 2 two.php

echo "PAGINA DOS: EL CONTENIDO DE la variable es :----> ".$_SESSION['sese_var'];
<p><a href="tres.php">Siguiente</a>

genera el siguiente error en la pagina dos Notice: Undefined index: sese_var in C:\xampp\htdocs\serbulo\ejemplo sesiones\dos.php on line 15 PAGINA DOS: EL CONTENIDO DE la variable es :----> Siguiente

generate the following error on page two Notice: Undefined index: sese_var in C:\xampp\htdocs\serbulo\example sessions\two.php on line 15 PAGE TWO: THE CONTENT OF the variable is :----> Next

I have already used three different versions of xampp and nothing the same problem

If that is the actual code, you do not have a Php opening tag on the second page. And stop opening and closing Php for nothing.

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