Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘disabled’ of null when calling click() function

Hi guys, I get this error and don’t know what to solve it.

This is my Javascript code:

Here is the html:

What does cy in the javascript refer to?

Where is the anchor link in the HTML that the scripting code is trying to click?

Hi Paul, Sorry that I didn’t mention in the beginning.

cy refers Cypress, the automation tools I’m using .
For the anchor link in the HTML trying to click is
<a data-v-780f7c43="" data-v-a5e0045a="" href="/campaign/profile/king-test-campaign-no-staff-agency3-000006" class="">


everything looks good. We’re going to need a sample page to investigate further.

Do you mean you need my html file to investigate?

Hi Paul, let me know if you need the further information from my side in order to investigate this.

Because I cannot access your computer, I will need everything that’s required to recreate a simulation of your page.

I recommend that you put together a simple example that still demonstrates the problem.

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