Turning 1 column int 2 columns

I have a page that is basically one column using a simple <div> does anyone know of a good way to turn the content so it displays in two columns using css? I may have to use more advanced coding if I need to tokenize this. It is a blog with different posts. Thanks

Do you have a website where we can look?

a website would help us to figure out what you’re trying to split into two columns.

Other wise from my guess is you have:



This really depends what you have in your <div> to make into two columns, and it’s hard to help with this little of information

If it’s (mostly) text you’d like to split up into two columns, this might be for you: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/

.content {
    column-count: 2;
    column-gap: 1em;

+1 for @CletusSpuckler’s answer. Just be sure to include the -moz and -webkit vendor prefixes.

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