Trying to create an auto generated blog

I’m trying to create an auto generated blog content, every time you visit the website you get a fresh just generated article by AI.
I’m planning to use ChatGPT from OpenAI for text content and the Midjourney API from APIFRAME for images.

I’m not very good at coding, I would like some hints.

Have you asked ChatGPT?

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That sounds like…

  1. Not a blog (The idea is that everyone sees the same content…)
  2. Probably a violation of the terms of use of the AI (rate limits, mostly)
  3. A great way for someone to rack up your bill.
  4. You’d still need prompts. I guess “Write a blog article” is a prompt, but i wouldnt expect much.
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I suppose the main issue would be very long loading times for for the blog pages. Why not generate the content once and then store it on a database just like human content? This would also be much cheaper (or use a self-hosted open source model instead).

This is a really cool idea! I’m also working on something similar, using ChatGPT from OpenAI for auto-generated blog content. Every time a user visits my site, they’ll get a freshly generated article with AI-generated images from Midjourney through the APIFRAME API.

I’m not very experienced with coding, so if anyone has tips on how to integrate these APIs into a web platform, especially for dynamically generating content with a clean and efficient workflow, I’d really appreciate the advice!

How do you plan on managing the backend to handle generating and storing content in real time? I’d love to hear more about your approach

Again… generative AI’s cost you money per word/image.

If you generate an entire blog article, especially one with images, every time someone visits your site… and your site gets… a few thousand visitors a day… or one guy figures out you’re doing it, and spams refresh on your site every second for a day…

How much money are you sinking into your blog that will be about absolutely nothing worthwhile, and made up of a mishmash of unrelated articles that live as long as a heartbeat?


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