Trouble adding story with CMS

I tried following this tutorial which is about creating a CMS and the only thing that doesn’t work for me is the adding story part. When I try to add a story it doesn’t display it and I have no idea why because I have primarily used the code that was provided. I really need help fast on this one because it has got to be finished today.


<?php include "templates/include/header.php" ?>

  <div id="adminHeader">
    <h2>Corvette Veterans' Admin</h2>
    <p>You are logged in as <b><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $_SESSION['username']) ?></b>. <a href="admin.php?action=logout"?>Log out</a></p>

  <h1><?php echo $results['pageTitle']?></h1>

  <form action="admin.php?action=<?php echo $results['formAction']?>" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="articleId" value="<?php echo $results['article']->id ?>"/>

  <?php if ( isset( $results['errorMessage'] ) ) { ?>
    <div class="errorMessage"><?php echo $results['errorMessage'] ?></div>
  <?php } ?>


        <label for="title">Story Title</label>
        <input type="text" name="title" id="title" placeholder="Name of the story" required autofocus maxlength="255" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $results['article']->title )?>" />

        <label for="summary">Story Summary</label>
        <textarea name="summary" id="summary" placeholder="Brief description of the story" required maxlength="1000" style="height: 5em;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $results['article']->summary )?></textarea>

        <label for="content">Story Content</label>
        <textarea name="content" id="content" placeholder="The HTML content of the story" required maxlength="100000" style="height: 30em;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $results['article']->content )?></textarea>

        <label for="publicationDate">Publication Date</label>
        <input type="date" name="publicationDate" id="publicationDate" placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" required maxlength="10" value="<?php echo $results['article']->publicationDate ? date( "Y-m-d", $results['article']->publicationDate ) : "" ?>" />


    <div class="buttons">
      <input type="submit" name="saveChanges" value="Save Changes" />
      <input type="submit" formnovalidate name="cancel" value="Cancel" />


  <?php if ( $results['article']->id ) { ?>
  <p><a href="admin.php?action=deleteArticle&amp;articleId=<?php echo $results['article']->id ?>" onclick="return confirm('Delete This Article?')">Delete This Story</a></p>
  <?php } ?>

  <?php include "templates/include/footer.php" ?>


<?php include "templates/include/header.php" ?>

      <div id="adminHeader">
        <h2>Corvette Veterans' Admin</h2>
        <p>You are logged in as <b><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $_SESSION['username']) ?></b>. <a href="admin.php?action=logout"?>Log out</a></p>

      <h1>All Stories</h1>

<?php if ( isset( $results['errorMessage'] ) ) { ?>
        <div class="errorMessage"><?php echo $results['errorMessage'] ?></div>
<?php } ?>

<?php if ( isset( $results['statusMessage'] ) ) { ?>
        <div class="statusMessage"><?php echo $results['statusMessage'] ?></div>
<?php } ?>

          <th>Publication Date</th>

<?php foreach ( $results['articles'] as $article ) { ?>

        <tr onclick="location='admin.php?action=editArticle&amp;articleId=<?php echo $article->id?>'">
          <td><?php echo date('j M Y', $article->publicationDate)?></td>
            <?php echo $article->title?>

<?php } ?>


      <p><?php echo $results['totalRows']?> article<?php echo ( $results['totalRows'] != 1 ) ? 's' : '' ?> in total.</p>

      <p><a href="admin.php?action=newArticle">Add a New Story</a></p>

<?php include "templates/include/footer.php" ?>

Don’t worry I fixed it.