This search.php file only search ‘Begin with keyword’ only, how to make it search ‘Contain keyword’
for example there already a name in database, lets say James
right now if user search for ‘Begin with keyword’ like Ja, or Jam, it will showing it (James, and other name begin with that keyword)
but not if search for ‘End with keyword’ or ‘Contain keyword’, like mes, or ames, or ame (it will not showing James, and other name with that keyword in the middle or in the end)
i need to make it like no.2 above, can search for ‘Contain keyword’, not search for ‘Begin with keyword’ only. Please help guys what is the right code, i think here is the code part that responsible for it
$sq = “select * from names where $gn $ori and (name like ‘$l%’ OR meaning like ‘$l%’) order by name”;
$sql = “Select * from names where $gn $ori and (name like ‘$l%’ OR meaning like ‘$l%’) order by name limit $limitvalue,$limit”;
- = are the keyword that typed by user
names = the database table contain name list
meaning = the database table contain name meaning list
here is the entire search.php file if needed
include "conn.php";
$origin = $_GET[origin];
$gender = $_GET[gender];
$l = $_GET[letter];
$page = 1;
$limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);
if($origin != "any") $ori = " and origin = '$origin'";
if($gender == "either") $gn = "(gender = 'male' or gender = 'female')";
if($gender != "either") $gn = "gender = '$gender'";
$sq = "select * from names where $gn $ori and (name like '$l%' OR meaning like '$l%') order by name";
$rst = mysql_query($sq) or die(mysql_error());
$totalrows = mysql_numrows($rst);
$sql = "Select * from names where $gn $ori and (name like '$l%' OR meaning like '$l%') order by name limit $limitvalue,$limit";
$rec = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$topcontent = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3'>
<th bgcolor='#FFEAF5' aling='left'>Nama</th>
<th bgcolor='#FFEAF5' aling='left'>Jenis Kelamin</th>
<th bgcolor='#FFEAF5' aling='left'>Asal</th>
<th bgcolor='#FFEAF5' aling='left'>Arti</th>
<th bgcolor='#FFEAF5' aling='left'>Detail</th></tr>";
$lowcontent = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3'>";
$link = str_replace(" ","_",$datas[name]);
$gender = "Perempuan";
$gender = "Laki-Laki";
$topcontent .= "<tr><td bgcolor='$bg'><b><a href='$datas[id]/$link.html'>$datas[name]</a></b></td>
<td bgcolor='$bg'>$gender</td>
<td bgcolor='$bg'>Nama $datas[origin]</td>
<td bgcolor='$bg'>$means</td>
<td bgcolor='$bg'><a href='$datas[id]/$link.html' rel='nofollow'>Detail...</a></td></tr>";
Page pagination
$l = str_replace("%","",$letter);
$pages .= "<p align='left'>Page(s) ";
if($page > 1){
$pageprev = $page-1;
$pages .= "<a href=\\"search.php?origin=$origin&gender=$_GET[gender]&letter=$_GET[letter]&page=$pageprev\\">PREV</a> ";
$numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $limit);
$starting = $page - 5;
$ending = $page + 5;
if($starting < 0) $starting = 1;
if($ending > $numofpages) $ending = $numofpages;
for($i = $starting; $i <= $ending; $i++){
if($page == $i){
$pages .= "<b>". $i."</b> ";
$pages .= "<a href=\\"search.php?origin=$origin&gender=$_GET[gender]&letter=$_GET[letter]&page=$i\\">$i</a> ";
if($page < $numofpages){
$pagenext = ($page + 1);
$pages .="<a href=\\"search.php?origin=$origin&gender=$_GET[gender]&letter=$_GET[letter]&page=$pagenext\\">NEXT</a>";
$topcontent .= "</table>";
$lowcontent .= "</table>";
$heading = "Hasil Cari Nama $gender - $origin";
if($page > 1){
$title = "Hasil Cari Nama $gender - $origin $page. Arti & Daftar Nama Bayi, Anak, Indonesia, Laki, Perempuan";
if($page == 1){
$title = "Hasil Cari Nama $gender - $origin. Arti & Daftar Nama Bayi, Anak, Indonesia, Laki, Perempuan";
include "template.php";