The problem with CodeIgniter URI routing and _remap (dynamic)

hello all
Question about CodeIgniter:
to routes for change url of http://localhost/blog/index?id=16/ to http://localhost/blog/16/ add $route[‘blog’] = “index?id=”; but not work address http://localhost/blog/16 and have error:
404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found.


You cannot use the query string by default in CodeIgniter; check this manual page for more.

i checked URI Class but don’t understand.
Please tell me where is the problem to post #1?

You need to understand how the controllers work, unless you configure it differently, you will normally have a 2 segment URI.

So, your URI to view a blog post would be /blog/view/16 for example. Blog being the controller and view being a method inside the Blog controller.

i want remowe


of this url:


this change to:


my .htaccess is:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\\.php|resources|robots\\.txt)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

did must use of routes or .htaccess? what do i do?

Read the section called “Enabling Query Strings” in the first link I posted.

Stop using the .htaccess altogether for now, then enable query string support in CodeIgniter.

Once you have ?c=blog&id=16 routing to your Blog controller, you can look to tweak your .htaccess to suit.

thanks, i test _remap and work.

function _remap( $method )
	        // $method contains the second segment of your URI
	        switch( $method )
	            case 'hello':

with this code, change url




how change this code for any dynamic id? and replace $row->subject with hello?

my CI_Controller is:

class Blog extends CI_Controller {
    function __construct()
    function _remap( $method )
	        // $method contains the second segment of your URI
	        switch( $method )
	            case 'hello':
	function index()
			    $g_subject = $this->input->get('id', TRUE);		     
			    $query = $this->db->get_where('miniblog', array('id' => $g_subject));
			    foreach ($query->result() as $row)
				$data = array(
				    'subject' => $row->subject,
				    'title' => $row->title,                
				    'image_path' => $row->image_path,
				    'alt' => $row->alt,
				    'text' => $row->text,
				    'date' => $row->date,
			     $this->load->view('miniblog/blog', $data);
			     //add customer size to databe on customer
	function ipv6()

I sorry,I surmise not true top code (post #7) because you not answer.

i TRUE enable_query_strings to config and go to address http://localhost/?c=blog&id=16 that work.

1)TRUE enable_query_strings to config not problem security?
2)did must remove with .htaccess this segment of url: ?c=blog&id=?
3)what do i do? how removing this segment?

{afterwards i want add subject news to url for that page.
subject: this is CodeIgniter
url: is CodeIgniter