if ( isset($_SESSION['mySession']) ) {
echo 'mySession is already set and its value is ' .$_SESSION['mySession'];
} else {
echo 'mySession is not set.';
I have the code above in a.php
if I open the page for the first time. it will produce the result below.
After I open the page, whenever I open the page, it will produce the result below.
I like to make it like the following.
After I open the page for the first time,
if I open the page in 5 seconds, it produce the following.
if I open the page after 5 seconds, it produce the following.
The code below is for my target result.
but it seems not to work I expected.
ini_Set('session.gc_maxlifetime', '5');
if ( isset($_SESSION['mySession']) ) {
echo 'mySession is already set and its value is ' .$_SESSION['mySession'];
} else {
echo 'mySession is not set.';
What did I misunderstand about ini_set?
Or How can I make it session maxtime is 5 seconds.
Also on that page is a link to a Stack Overflow question which provides the answer you’re looking for. In short you can use session_set_cookie_params() to set the life of the session cookie but a more reliable method is to store the time the session was started in the session itself, then check that each time.
I made pages keep login by a session.
session.gc_maxlifetime of my apache server is 86400.
But it becomes logout before 86400 seconds.
The logout happens frequently with mobile browsers rather than with the desk top brwosers.
I like to test it for precision keep login-time.
Are you keeping track of the user’s IP in the session? Mobiles have the tendency to switch IPs a lot, whereas desktops usually have the same IP for a longer period of time.
Generally PHP will not close sessions earlier than the session.gc_maclifetime, but it may be closed later.
Today I did check the session by two times of taking a walk in the afternoon with my mobile phone
The following is the report of the checking with iPhone Safari.
sessionID date and time connection comment
4 06-02 23:58 wifi new Session at home
4 06-02 23:59 the old session at home
4 06-03 08:23
4 06-03 08:53
11 06-03 14:50 LTE new Session in the street
11 old Session alive in the street
11 06-03 14:46 LTE old Session in the street
12 06-03 16:46 LTE new Session in the street
12 06-03 16:59 LTE old Session in the street
12 06-03 17:09 LTE old Session in the street
11 06-03 17:22 wifi old Session at home and sessionID is 11 again!!!
11 06=03 17:09 wifi old Session at home
11 06-03 18:32 wifi old Session in the street away from my home about 20M
11 06-03 18:35 ?? old Session in the street away from my home about 100M
13 06-03 19:05 LTE new Session in the street
13 06-03 19:06 LTE old Session in the street
13 06-03 19:22 LTE old Session in the street
14 06-03 19:33 wifi new Session at home
14 06-03 20:02 wifi old Session at home
I agree with rpkamp - I think the cookie lifetime is the issue here. You can set that using session_set_cookie_params.
The default is ‘0’, which means the session will last until the browser is closed. I haven’t tested this but I suspect if you’re using a phone, even though you haven’t explicitly closed the browser or the tab, unless you’re actively using it it can be closed in the background if you switch to another app or the phone is asleep.
In any case I think it’s always a good idea to set the session cookie lifetime so try setting it to 1 day and run your tests again.