This file is called load_more.php and has “Load Page” code near the end of the file. Does that offer any clues?
if (empty($_GET['first']) || empty($_POST['last_id'])) {
$data = array('status' => 404);
else {
$type = PT_Secure($_GET['first']);
$id = PT_Secure($_POST['last_id']);
$views = 0;
if (!empty($_GET['views'])) {
$views = PT_Secure($_GET['views']);
$final = '';
$user_id = 0;
if (!empty($_POST['user_id'])) {
$user_id = PT_Secure($_POST['user_id']);
if ($type == 'subscriptions') {
$get = $db->where('subscriber_id', $user->id)->get(T_SUBSCRIPTIONS);
$userids = array();
foreach ($get as $key => $userdata) {
$userids[] = $userdata->user_id;
$get_subscriptions_videos = false;
$userids = implode(',', ToArray($userids));
if (!empty($userids)) {
$get_subscriptions_videos = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " . T_VIDEOS . " WHERE id < $id AND id <> $id AND user_id IN ($userids) AND privacy = 0 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 40");
if (!empty($get_subscriptions_videos)) {
$len = count($get_subscriptions_videos);
foreach ($get_subscriptions_videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('subscriptions/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} if ($type == 'my_videos') {
$videos = $db->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 40);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('manage-videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'top') {
$ids = array();
if (!empty($_POST['ids'])) {
foreach ($_POST['ids'] as $key => $one_id) {
$ids[] = PT_Secure($one_id);
$db->where('privacy', 0);
$videos = $db->where('views', $views, '<=')->where('id', $ids, 'NOT IN')->orderBy('views', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 100);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'latest') {
$db->where('privacy', 0);
$videos = $db->where('id', $id, '<')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 100);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'trending') {
$db->where('privacy', 0);
$videos = $db->where('time', time() - 172800, '>')->where('id', $id, '>')->orderBy('views', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 40);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'history') {
$videos = array();
$get = $db->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_HISTORY, 40);
if (!empty($get)) {
foreach ($get as $key => $video_) {
$fetched_video = $db->where('id', $video_->video_id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS);
$fetched_video->history_id = $video_->id;
$videos[] = $fetched_video;
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('history/list', array(
'ID' => $video->history_id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'saved_videos') {
$videos = array();
$get = $db->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_SAVED, 40);
if (!empty($get)) {
foreach ($get as $key => $video_) {
$fetched_video = $db->where('id', $video_->video_id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS);
$fetched_video->history_id = $video_->id;
$videos[] = $fetched_video;
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('saved/list', array(
'ID' => $video->history_id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'liked_videos') {
$videos = array();
$get = $db->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('type', 1)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_DIS_LIKES, 40);
if (!empty($get)) {
foreach ($get as $key => $video_) {
$fetched_video = $db->where('id', $video_->video_id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS);
$fetched_video->like_id = $video_->id;
$videos[] = $fetched_video;
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('search/list', array(
'ID' => $video->like_id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'category') {
$videos = '';
if (!empty($_GET['c_id'])) {
if (in_array($_GET['c_id'], array_keys($categories))) {
$cateogry = PT_Secure($_GET['c_id']);
$db->where('privacy', 0);
$videos = $db->where('category_id', $cateogry)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 40);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'search') {
$keyword = '';
if (!empty($_POST['keyword'])) {
$keyword = PT_Secure($_POST['keyword']);
if (!empty($keyword)) {
if ($pt->config->total_videos > 1000000) {
$videos = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " . T_VIDEOS . " WHERE MATCH (title) AGAINST ('$keyword') AND id > $id AND privacy = 0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 40");
} else {
$videos = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " . T_VIDEOS . " WHERE title LIKE '%$keyword%' AND id > $id AND privacy = 0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 40");
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('search/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'profile_videos') {
$videos = $db->where('user_id', $user_id)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 40);
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
} else if ($type == 'liked_videos_profile') {
$videos = array();
$get = $db->where('user_id', $user_id)->where('type', 1)->where('id', $id, '<')->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_DIS_LIKES, 40);
if (!empty($get)) {
foreach ($get as $key => $video_) {
$fetched_video = $db->where('id', $video_->video_id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS);
$fetched_video->like_id = $video_->id;
$videos[] = $fetched_video;
if (!empty($videos)) {
$len = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video = PT_GetVideoByID($video, 0, 0, 0);
$pt->last_video = false;
if ($key == $len - 1) {
$pt->last_video = true;
$final .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video->like_id,
'USER_DATA' => $video->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video->url,
'TITLE' => $video->title,
'DESC' => $video->markup_description,
'VIEWS' => $video->views,
'TIME' => $video->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video->duration,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video->views),
$data = array('status' => 200, 'videos' => $final);
else if ($type == 'articles') {
$request = (!empty($_POST['last_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['last_id']));
$articles = array();
$data = array('status' => 404);
$posts = "";
if ($request === true) {
$id = PT_Secure($_POST['last_id']);
if (empty($_POST['cat'])){
$articles = $db->where('active', '1')->where('id', $id, '<')->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_POSTS, 10);
else if (!empty($_POST['cat']) && is_numeric($_POST['cat'])) {
$category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['cat']);
$articles = $db->where('active', '1')->where('id', $id, '<')->where('category', $category_id)->orderby('id', 'DESC')->get(T_POSTS, 10);
if (count($articles) > 0) {
foreach ($articles as $key => $article) {
$posts .= PT_LoadPage('articles/list', array(
'ID' => $article->id,
'TITLE' => $article->title,
'DESC' => PT_ShortText($article->description,150),
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($article->views),
'THUMBNAIL' => PT_GetMedia($article->image),
'URL' => PT_Link('articles/read/' . PT_URLSlug($article->title,$article->id)),
'TIME' => date('d-F-Y',$article->time),
'CAT' => $article->category,
$data = array('status' => 200, 'posts' => $posts);