Thats it - I quit

Smoking that is…
After 20 years of smoking I have decided that it is time to quit the weed.

Today is day 2 - and I feel like death warmed up. I have the patience of a rotweiller thats just back from the vet’s and the kids are avoiding me :wink:

But -
I can breathe :slight_smile:
I have saved £11 so far
I dont smell like an ashtray
I slept well

I feel quite good about things and quite positive that this time I can do it :smiley:

Nice one! I always see people around me suffering from the effects of smoking various things, so it’s always nice to see someone give it up.


spike, hang in there

make sure you have something else pleasurable with which you can reward yourself for each successful day – maybe an extra chocolate bar, a couple extra scotches, whatever…

you will live the rest of your life with the urge to smoke, but if you make it past the first few days, you can easily disregard that urge forever

Congratulations and keep it going!

You smoked 20 years of your life in smoking :eek:

But congratulations to you for taking a such brave decision to quit smoking…Thumbs uP

thanks everyone - Rudy, perfect timing to coincide with Easter :slight_smile:

M.IMRAN - 20 years is a long time considering I am 33 years old :eek:

Congratulations spike!

Great that after 2 days you already feel the benefits of giving up! How did you do it? Did you just give up or did you slowly reduce your consumption?

I have tried the cutting down idea as well as the changing from Embassy to Silk cut to Silk cut ultra but it’s all kidology. I decided on Friday that I had had enough (the price hike also helped!)

So on Friday I smoked all the cigs I had in the house and Car and got some nicotine patches. The patches dont really help as I think they are more phsycological but it is a confort type thing :slight_smile:

2 days down - rest of my life to go!

TBH I would rather have a week of withdrawl than a few months of agonizing lung or throat cancer.

Congrats Spike. It’s important, keep it up.

Don’t feel like you have to smoke everything around if you find anything else in your house, just throw it away. :slight_smile:


I had never put a cigarette in my mouth in my whole life, and will never do it in future :slight_smile:

Smoking that is…

phew, I was starting to get confused for a second… good luck on quitting though! Both my mom and dad were smokers and quit, never actually picked it up myself.

Good on you Spike :slight_smile:

Good luck with that!

Hi Mike, welcome to the club :smiley: Hang in there, the third day is the worst, from there it is all good. Cravings will never leave you, but they get milder and milder. Cold turkey is the right thing IMO, did it as well, that will leave you with no soft excuses.

I hope you make it :slight_smile: I used chewing gum (regular peppermint) in the beginning to cut that urge, I would not go to chocolate as a substitute, you will gain too much weight from that. I quit 35 years ago, never lit one up again :smiley:

If you feel like hitting the wall, just post here with your thoughts, it might help to get some encouraging words :slight_smile:

Congratulations, SpikeZ! I’m cheering for you.

You should get a big a*s bottle or money box and all the money you save put in there. End of it all am sure you’ll have a nice littlenest egg for a project/holiday/endulgement :slight_smile:

Well done and keep it up. If you feel your struggling you should see a pro :wink:

Well done Spike! I quit about 10 years ago using patches and in the end I actually found it reasonably easy compared to the times I’d tried previously. Mind you I didn’t tell anyone that I was quitting just in case - so sort of cowardly but then no pressure either. I went day to day for about two weeks and then it definitely became easier after that.

When talking about smoking everybody talks about cancer, and things like that… but you don’t need to have a cancer or an enfisema to be suffering the consequences of smoking… Trust me, I know

A passive smoker

Congrats, Spike! I’m seven years off after sixteen on and it makes a HUGE difference. Post when you have the urge, we’ll all help you rally and typing will keep you occupied.

I used bubble gum, lollipops, toothpicks (until they were practially pulp)…whatever it takes to get through the craving.

congratulations,it’s hard but necessary