Text on an image

I want to have an image on my site that was uploaded by a user include my website address across the bottom. I want it to be a part of the image so if they download the image the text is actually downloaded with it.

I looked up this on Google and only found ways that put actual text on the page in HTML just over the image.

Any ideas?

You could add it in with Photoshop. Remember, though, that the text will be inaccessible to a lot of users, including Google, unless you supply an alternative.

That’s the thing. My site is based on user submissions. I wont be able to take each image and edit it when a user submits it.

I think you can do something with PHP.

AH! The GD library is what I was looking for. I heard about this from a friend a long time ago but I forgot what it was called. Thank you!

I’m not sure that this is what you want but you can make the text part of the image, if you don’t have photoshop use the free GIMP.

yes you can do it. There are certain softwares and websites which puts text on images. You can take use of those. check at PICFONT - Add text to picture.

I think the thing you’re looking for is PHP’s GD library. It’s pretty good at doing things like that. I’ve done something similar with it a while ago so I know it’s possible.

this is possible either with GD, or, much more conveniently, with shell_exec and ImageMagick.