I’d like to force my server to consider my session variables as garbage after 1 minute. This is just a test to try to learn what’s really going on with the server and how it determines what garbage is. I have an issue with my application appearing to time out and I’m trying to replicate what I’m thinking the problem might be.
I’ve set up the php.ini file with these values:
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor = 1 (trying to make the probability 100%)
session.gc_maxlifetime = 60
Previously, I had the default values set, and the issue would always occur after 24 minutes (session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440). With these changes made to php.ini, I’m not able to replicate the issue for the shorter time span. It is even possible to do so by playing with the php.ini file in this way? Is there something more going on with the server than just these settings?