System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow in parameterized query

Hey everyone,
I am lost on the exception that I have getting thrown at me right now.

SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.

What I am trying to do on my site, which is Windows Authenticated on an internal network, is capture the users ID that is logged in, and then depending on which page(s) the user clicks, store them in a database.

This is the code to check if the users ID has been set, and to add the entry into the database via a parameterized query.

Initial Setting of Session for the UsersID

        Dim LoggedIn As String = User.Identity.Name
        If LoggedIn.Contains("PARTNERS") Then
            Session("LoggedIn") = LoggedIn.Substring(9)
            Session("LoggedIn") = LoggedIn
        End If

Afterwards the user can either go into an “Edit.aspx” page or “View.aspx” page.
Depending on which page they choose, I want to store that in a database that I have called tblView. HEre is the structure of the table.

ID : Integer : Primary Key, auto-incremented
InquiryID_fk : Integer : Foreign Key; the inquiry id that is being viewed or edited
Page : Varchar(10) : Will store either “View” or “Edit” depending on the page entered
User : varchar(10) : Stores the userID : which is a max of 6 characters
Date : Date : Want to store the system date
Time : Time(7) : want to store the system time

Here is the code in the “View” page to store into the db, which throws the error

Dim InquiryID As String = Request.QueryString("id")
        Dim InquirySQL As String
        Session("InquiryID") = InquiryID
        If Not Session("LoggedIn") Is Nothing Then
            Dim ViewSQL As String
            ViewSQL = "Insert into tblView(InquiryID_fk, Page, User, Date, Time)Values(@InqID, @Page, @User, @ActDate, @ActTime)"
            Dim querycommand As New SqlCommand
            querycommand.Connection = Conn
            With querycommand
                .CommandType = CommandType.Text
                .CommandText = ViewSQL
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@InqID", Session("InquiryID"))
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Page", "View")
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@User", Session("LoggedIn"))
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActDate", Date.Today)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActTime", TimeOfDay)
            End With
        End If

When I debug and put break points throughout the code, as well as after the error is thrown and i just highlight over the “Date.Today” or “TimeOfDay” variables, they are displaying the proper date and time from my machine. Does this mean they are out of sync with my server, running SQL Server 2008?

Any help would be excellent, this has been pretty frustrating.
Thank you in advance,

You really should just use a single field here, no need to break it up – Sql’s DateTime stores both just fine. Your TimeOfDay is probably just setting TimeOfDay but not the day, month or year so you end up with something outside of SQL’s acceptable range.