Syntax error for document search script


I am am trying to create a script for adobe acrobat that allows me to search documents for specified naming structures. An example would be if I am searching for clauses 123.123.1234 and 234.234.2345 I want it to search for everything in with the naming structure among a few other variations. I then want it to highlight all found results so that I can modify the search results and ultimately export to an excel document. I have the below script but am running into a syntax error and am very new to javascript so your insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

// Define the regular expressions to search for
var regex1 = /\d{3}\.\d{3}-\d{4}/g; //
var regex2 = /\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{2}/g; //
var regex3 = /\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{1}/g; //

// Get the current PDF document
var doc = app.activeDocs[0];

// Loop through each page in the document
for (var i = 0; i < doc.numPages; i++) {
  // Get the page object
  var page = doc.getPageNth(i);

  // Get the page content stream
  var content = page.contents;

  // Search for matches using the regular expressions
  var matches1 = content.match(regex1);
  var matches2 = content.match(regex2);
  var matches3 = content.match(regex3);

  // Highlight the matches
  if (matches1) highlightMatches(matches1, page);
  if (matches2) highlightMatches(matches2, page);
  if (matches3) highlightMatches(matches3, page);

// Function to highlight the matches
function highlightMatches(matches, page) {
  // Loop through each match
  for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
    // Get the match position and length
    var pos = content.indexOf(matches[i]);
    var len = matches[i].length;

    // Create a highlight annotation around the match
    var annot = page.addAnnot({
      type: "Highlight",
      page: i,
      rect: [pos, 0, pos+len, 0]

What line is the debugger throwing the syntax error on?


I have an update, it’s no longer a syntax error, it seems I am now having an issue defining the document to run the script on? below is the current script and I receive the error ReferenceError: File is not defined

// Define the regular expressions to search for
var regex1 = /\d{3}\.\d{3}-\d{4}/g; //
var regex2 = /\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{2}/g; //
var regex3 = /\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{1}/g; //

// Prompt the user to select a PDF file
var filePath = File.openDialog("Select a PDF file to search");

// If a file was selected, open it and search for matches
if (filePath != null) {
  // Open the PDF document
  var doc = app.openDoc(filePath);

  // Loop through each page in the document
  for (var i = 0; i < doc.numPages; i++) {
    // Get the page object
    var page = doc.getPageNth(i);

    // Get the page content stream
    var content = page.contents;

    // Search for matches using the regular expressions
    var matches1 = content.match(regex1);
    var matches2 = content.match(regex2);
    var matches3 = content.match(regex3);

    // Highlight the matches
    if (matches1) highlightMatches(matches1, page, content);
    if (matches2) highlightMatches(matches2, page, content);
    if (matches3) highlightMatches(matches3, page, content);

  // Close the PDF document

// Function to highlight the matches
function highlightMatches(matches, page, content) {
  // Loop through each match
  for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
    // Get the match position and length
    var pos = content.indexOf(matches[i]);
    var len = matches[i].length;

    // Create a highlight annotation around the match
    var annot = page.addAnnot({
      type: "Highlight",
      page: i,
      rect: [pos, 0, pos+len, 0]

When developing apps that require an external file I first put the file path in a variable and get the file processing part finished and then work on importing the file contents.
I also prefer to drag the file into the app rather than using a file selection dialog.

The environment you’re in does not contain a globally loaded reference File. Either you’re in the wrong environment, or your API reference is out of date.

A glance through Adobe’s Javascript API Reference tells me you may be trying to use app.browseForDoc().

Im currently trying to execute this in the debugger of adobe acrobat, I assumed it would apply to whichever file was selected/open but I realize that is not the case.

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