As I gain more experience with CSS I keep discovering elements that can’t be styled. This is not that particular effects cant be done, is just that despite you having a tag present in the mark you just can’s apply a style to it. You just cant change the image of an input with type checkbox, for example.
Experimenting along these lines , it seems many table elements cant be styled. Actually, it’s more complex than that… TABLE, TD, TH seem to behave as “general” elements do for the most part (TD and TH… don’t seem to take margin, for example)… Then there are attributes that some table elements seem to take, but not to apply to themselves, or actually are just simply counter intuitive. TRs for example don’t seem to take: margin: or border:, among other things. BG are kind of a hybrid… the TR itself doesn’t seem to have the BG but rather bequeaths it to its TD children … I mean you would expect a TR to be a wrapper element around TDs, which means if you were to give the TD a background and have the TDs at some distance from each other ( via border-spacing, for example)… that you should be able to see the the BG contained in the TR…) I am sure all of this is verbosely mentions in the specs
So… what is my ramble about exactly? It would be nice if there was or if someone could give a link to a CONDENSED reference or resources that list exactly which CSS attributes can be applied (directly and not that they are bequeathed to the TDs) to each table element in it normal display mode… much the same way there resources out there that list ( in tabular format , ironically enough) what browsers support what CSS attribute. If anyone has a link or a reference…or even a personal list they have compiled I would greatly appreciate it .