Structured data indexing with categories

Here was my master index structure, which stayed the same, but dynamically added pointers at each node. When new data was uploaded to the file system. There would be an instance of the index data structure for each file listing, and the data structures would be organized by which nodes had pointers and sub pointers. parent pointers being accessed first.

This way you could add multiple pointers to each instance of the master data structure. that represented single files. But told the computer what categories they fell into. To organize the database management system.

Any feedback or ideas? I am trying to learn here.

looks like a general 2-level category scheme

here’s an article (full disclosure: mine) which explains the database structure and SQL for a multi-level category scheme –

Categories and Subcategories

you would have an additional table that defined your files, and then a many-to-many linking table so that you could relate multiple categories to each file

Yes there would be an additional table. One is the master tree structure of pointers for each file. In their given directory. And one is for the file itself. The second additional table is to define the single data in multiple categories. and program the pointers to access them. from their different directory structures. Now what I was trying to figure out is how to link the directory structure. To the access tables. Probably with another index structure that accessed the master index structure of where the files were. that accessed the files.

So 3 structures all calling on eachother
1. Directory structure of navigation
2. Index structure of which files appeared in which navigation
3. And links from the index structure to the file. From multiple places of the index tree, depending where those files appeared in the directory.

Here is the directory tree. Somehow I have to link that to the index tree. which lists the multiple pointers for the single non duplicate files. An index tree for every file. Then access to those trees determined by the categories the directory requests to access. So here is the directory tree…

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