You need to supplement your banner minified version for this one here(That’s if this is the offending script). Might give a better clue as to the problem. Oh and you can strike my ‘great deal easier’ comment.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Simple banner rotator. Version: 1.4.0
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(c) Copyright 2008, 2009 spyka Web Group
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Script settings
var settings = {
'force_size': 0, // if set to 1 all banners will be resized to the width and height in the next to settings
'img_width': 468, // width to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1
'img_height': 60, // height to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1
'refresh_time': 10000, // the seconds between refreshs of the banners - use 0 to disable
'refresh_max': 10000, // maximum number of refreshs on each page load
'duplicate_banners': 0, // keep as 0 to make sure the same banner won't show on the same page. will only take effect
// if show_banners(); is used more than once. You must make sure you have enough banners to fill
// all the slots else the browser may freeze or give a stack overflow error
'location_prefix': 'adLocation-', // The prefix of the IDs of the <div> which wraps the banners - this div is generated dynamically.
// a number will be added on the end of this string. adLocation- was used by default before version 1.4.x
'location_class': 'swb', // A class to add to all of the <div>s which wrap the banners, ideal to use for styling banners - use .swb img in your CSS
'window': '_self', // Window to open links in, _self = current, _blank = new. Use _top if in a frame!
'default_ad_loc': 'default' // The default adLocation. This is assigned to any banners not given an adLocation in the below banner list
// There is no real reason to need to change this
// banner list syntax: new banner(website_name, website_url, banner_url, show_until_date, adlocation), DATE FORMAT: dd/mm/yyyy
// if you're not using adlocations just leave it empty like '' as in the last example here
// to make sure a banner is always rotating, just set the date far into the future, i.e. year 3000
var banners = [
new banner('Eklund Cattle', '', '', '09/17/2010', ''),
new banner('Maple Knoll Shorthorns', '', '', '03/25/2011', ''),
new banner('Miller Show Calves', '', '', '09/17/2010', ''),
new banner('Club Calf Advertising', '', '', '09/17/2010', ''),
new banner('Club Calf Web Design', '', '', '09/17/2010', '')
// There is no need to edit below here
"global" vars
var used = 0;
var location_counter = 0;
var refresh_counter = 1;
var map = new Array();
function banner()
creates a banner object
function banner(name, url, image, date, loc)
{ = name;
this.url = url;
this.image = image; = date; = 1;
this.oid = 0;
// if no adlocation is given use the default a adlocation setting
// this is used if adlocations aren't being used or using pre-1.4.x code
if(loc != '')
this.loc = loc;
this.loc = settings.default_ad_loc;
function show_banners()
writes banner <div> HTML and maps ad locations to <div> ID tags
function show_banners(banner_location)
// increase the counter ready for further calls
location_counter = location_counter + 1;
// this part maps the adlocation name supplied by the user to the adlocation
// ID used by the script
if(banner_location != '' && banner_location != undefined)
map[location_counter] = banner_location;
map[location_counter] = settings.default_ad_loc;
// writes banner html
var html = '<div id="' + settings.location_prefix + location_counter + '" class="' + settings.location_class + '"></div>';
// calls the display banners script to fill this ad location
function display_banners()
displays banners for a given location number
function display_banners(location)
// used in this function to hold tempoary copy of banners array
var location_banners = new Array();
// if no location is given, do nothing
if(location == '' || !location || location < 0)
// get total banners
var am = banners.length;
// all banners have been displayed in this pass and the user doesnt
// want to have duplicate banners showing
if((am == used) && settings.duplicate_banners == 0) {
// new for 1.4.x, this takes the list of banners and creates a tempoary list
// with only the banners for the current adlocation in
for(i = 0; i < (banners.length); i++)
banners[i].oid = i;
if((banners[i].loc == map[location]) && (banners[i].active == 1))
// same as 1.2.x - finds the banner randomly
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*location_banners.length);
var bn = location_banners[rand];
// creates html
var image_size = (settings.force_size == 1) ? ' width="' + settings.img_width + '" height="' + settings.img_height + '"' : '';
var html = '<a href="' + bn.url + '" title="' + + '" target="' + settings.window + '"><img border="0" src="' + bn.image + '"' + image_size + ' alt="' + + '" /></a>';
// calculates the date from inputted string, expected formate is DD/MM/YYYY
var now = new Date();
var input =;
input = input.split('/', 3);
// creates a date object with info
var end_date = new Date();
end_date.setFullYear(parseInt(input[2]), parseInt(input[1]) - 1, parseInt(input[0]));
// compares curent date with banner end date
if((now < end_date) && == 1)
// attempt to find adlocation div
var location_element = document.getElementById(settings.location_prefix + location);
// couldn't find it, if this message shows there is a problem with show_banners
if(location_element == null)
alert('spyka Webmaster banner rotator\
Error: adLocation doesn\\'t exist!');
// output banner HTML
location_element.innerHTML = html;
// if the user doesn't want the same banner to show again deactive it and increase
// the users banners counter
if(settings.duplicate_banners == 0)
banners[bn.oid].active = 0;
// inactive banner, find another
// if no banners fit this adlocation you'll have an endless loop !
function refresh_banners()
resets counters and active settings
function refresh_banners()
if((refresh_counter == settings.refresh_max) || settings.refresh_time < 1)
used = 0;
for(j = 0; j < (banners.length); j++)
banners[j].active = 1;
for(j = 1; j < (location_counter+1); j++)
// set timeout
var banner_refresh = window.setInterval(refresh_banners, settings.refresh_time);