I recently acquired a new client and decided to register a free staging site gekko-domainName.tld. The domain name was the same as the customer’s site apart from the TLD extension. It is handy having a shared staging server because there is nearly always a niggling problem after uploading the source and the online site does not do what one desires
I registered the domain, setup the server, uploaded files, waited until the server name had propagated, setup a free SSL certificate, tested the online staging version all without any problems.
Next morning I tried to open “https://gecko-domainName.tld” and could not connect to the server!!
Tried the http version and got the same result. Checked the Apache2 access and error logs and there were no new entries. Used FileZilla to check the online files and they were all intact. Simplified the index.php and called just an echo __file__; die;
and still got nothing. Added a very simple index.html file and still got nothing! Checked numerous other options until I realised that I was trying to open another domain because I had spelt gekko incorrectly!
Has anyone else had similar problems that resulted in feeling like kicking yourself?