I’ve embedded a Flickr set on my html site. It works, the only problem is, the whole thing is pretty slow to load.
Is there any Javascript I could use to speed it up, or preload it?
Will ask on Flickr forum too, but was just wondering if any of you JS gurus would have a solution.
The best way to work with external scripts is to use an asynchronous request so that the page loads but doesn’t have to wait a great deal of time for the flicker script to finish loading, Chris Coyier just wrote an article about this which you should enjoy.
Thanks for this, but I actually meant that the Flickr embed takes a while to load. The loading time for the site itself is fine.
Unless you have some form of control over that slow site, there isn’t much that can be done to speed things up.
It’s possible though that you can help people to feel better about the situation though, by putting up a message that you’re loading from there, and use an animated loading icon to let people know that things are in progress.
It won’t speed things up, but it can help inform people about what’s happening and why.
I can find plenty of tutorials to make an animated gif, but can’t find anything to tell me how to install it on my site. If anyone can help it’d be much appreciated.