Speed per user?

I have multiple servers from multiple companies, each with 1000Mbps connections. These are well known companies such as The Planet.

My home Internet speed is 16Mbps (2MBs). I can easily achieve 2MBs from download sites, torrents, and even YouTube.

The problem I am having is that my servers only provide me with about 500KB/s. It doesn’t matter if it is a new server with no traffic, or a fully pumping server, I can’t max out my speed.

Speed is important for my site, and 500KB/s doesn’t quite cut it. I am using lighttpd as my web server. I believe I had the same problem with Apache. Is there something I am missing?

From UK server 3.7MB/s
From another UK server 1.9MB/s
From USA NJ Server 14.5MB/s
From UK DSL 745KB/S (Entanet)
From another UK DSL 755KB/s (Zen)

If you stream h.264 to flash player 10.1 you can make use of its peer 2 peer capabilities , and because you can use h.264 main profile you should be able to remain within a reasonable megabit allocation. If you’re streaming to a browser consumed application I’d suggest 1080p is overkill and that you might be better considering 720p.

So what can I do to be able to get this to max everyone’s connection?

I want to eventually stream 1080p HD video, 7.1 audio, with 3D support. 300-400KB/s will just not do.

Started at 1.5Mbps, slowing down to about 1Mbps, which I could put down to congestion on the network (Be There, UK)

my server is downloading the above mp4 file using wget at 11 M/s very fast.

May depend on how your ISP interconnects with various backbones that the file transits from source - I can get 14MB/s from a US server, and higher rates than you are getting from various UK sources so it is possible - the only differences between me downloading your test file, and you doing the same is ISP, PC, router. Are you sure you’re getting 2MByte/s from Youtube - they only encode at 2Mbit/sec and they serve their files rate limited?

I can achieve higher speed downloads from other websites though. I get about 1500KB/s from megaupload.com. I get my full 2000KB/s from youtube’s HD videos.

I can’t get speeds like this on any of my own servers, no matter what the company or location.

If I were to download an HD video from youtube, my rate is 2MB/s. Only for HD videos though, the others are much slower.

How would I get a server that can transfer 2MB/s to myself? I use Comcast in California.

So then the solution would be to have multiple copies of the same file hosted on different servers, and then someway connect to them all at the same time? Is this possible?

I can start up a torrent and get 2MB/s easily. My Internet always goes at this rate, no matter what time of day.

But if I close out my torrent and start a download from my server, the rate is much slower. The bandwidth is there and available, I’m just not getting it.

I have new information which confuses me.

For some reason, I will get the slow speed of 60KB/s-300KB/s if I download a single file from my server. But, if I download multiple files at the same time from the same server, they each go at this rate until I max out my Internet of 2MB/s. I am downloading all the files from the same server, same hard drive.

I want to be able to get the full 2MB/s from a single file. This should be possible. It doesn’t make sense that I would have to break the file into multiple files to achieve this speed. I did not install any bandwidth throttling or limiting software.

The bandwidth is available. I want to use it.

Thats what I’m trying to say - I know theres no problem @ ThePlanet, we can push the bandwidth, but transatlantic as an example (which I am) does suffer congestion at points.

I am in California. Should that even matter? Doesn’t my location only affect the latency, or delay until the first byte is received?

It would seem this is an issue with your ISP, router or PC as from testing we’ve seen the server can sustain higher rates from other locations. Whether it’s a PC specific issue can be tested by booting to a linux live-cd then retrying the download and comparing results. If you have much different performance then it’s a PC configuration issue. If not, look next at your router/ISP.

This is not hosted with the planet, but it is on a 1000Mbps connection:

Currently I am getting only 150KB/s.


Maximum download speed attainable is a function of the latency of the connection, obviously it can be affected by other things as well such as packet loss (each 1% loss will generally halve the speed).

For: I was getting 430KB/s (About 3.4Mbit/s) constant to one of our servers in London.


This looks interesting. I don’t think it would be easy to implement, but has definitely made its way into my bookmarks.

I am sticking with 720p for now, but I can see where problems could occur when the Internet pushes for higher-bandwidth-using applications. Are we reaching a bottleneck?

I seem to get 320KB/s here in Eastern Europe. It doesn’t max my connection.

You don’t -need- localised servers at all, it does depend on your traffic / usage etc.

You may however be suffering contention across the network between you and your server (I’d be inclined to say closer to you than the server) - certainly here in the UK, the last hop (the DSL provider) is normally the cause of congestion.

If you want pm me a url of a test file on your server and I can see what speed I get server to server from a couple UK servers, might help illustrate whether it’s a DSL issue or whether the planet aren’t doing well over the transatlantic link