Someone use CSSout with WordPress?

The CSSout ( application is used to move inline CSS from an HTML document to an external CSS stylesheet.

As WordPress doesn’t work directly with HTML but instead uses PHP to dynamically call the database to create HTML, I wanted to know if someone had used CSSout with WordPress and how they did it.

Even if you haven’t used it, do you have any ideas on how to make it work with WordPress, even though it’s not HTML as the program was originally designed for?

That repo is 6 years old, so I would be careful. Can you make a copy of your Wordpress install and try it on that?

I didn’t know it was a repo. I don’t have enough space on my PC to clone my WordPress, that’s why I was asking if someone had tried it.

It seems that there was once a plugin called “CSSout for WordPress,” but for some reason, it was removed. Does anyone have more information?

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