Slow popup openings

Just go here:
and click on my username (in the left - Norman). As you can see, if you have Safari or Firefox, the popup menu is pretty slow to open. If you have Chrome the popup is opened fast, but when you scroll with your mouse pointer in the options links, it slow down a little bit.

What could be the cause of this? Do you have some suggestions to fix this?


Have you ever used any free site analysis tools?

First on my list is

Second is Jigsaw the Css Validator

Clearing the errors should make a difference and then you can try these:

My quick favourite is Pingdom

Another favourite is WebPageSpeedTest

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Thank you John. For example I get this in CSS validator:

.ui-tooltip-shadow .ui-tooltip-titlebar, .ui-tooltip-shadow .ui-tooltip-content

error: attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it

Does this mean that I have to edit the CSS rule and write them like this:

.ui-tooltip-shadow, .ui-tooltip-titlebar, .ui-tooltip-shadow, .ui-tooltip-content {}


Now they are more fast to load. I had some scripts at the beginning of the page and I moved them at the bottom. But I think that I could still improve it a little bit.

About the errors in the page itself, most of them are alerts for deprecated elements eg. border="" or align="". This is a problem of vBulletin 3 (pretty old software). I’ll try to convert them all with time, but this is a long process.

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