Slideshow occasionally loads in the wrong palce

I’ve got a simple jquery slideshow on this page .
Occasionally when I load the page, on two different computers now, with different OS and different browsers (chrome and firefox so far), the images have appeared outside the left hand side column, sitting roughly half their width to the right of the div they should be in. The slideshow still runs.

Hitting refresh sometimes cures this, sometimes it takes two refreshes. Being an intermittent problem doesn’t help, either.

Is this a jQuery problem or css or failure to load all parts of the page?

Any ideas?

The first thing I think when I see a question like this is—Are any of the layout styles served up via JavaScript? Sometimes it takes time for them to kick in, and sometimes when they do it’s too late. This may not be the problem, but I would suggest moving things like

<div class=“slideshow” style=“position: relative; width: 270px; height: 271px;”>

directly into your style sheet and not rely on JS to supply them. I would probably also make each image the same size (even if some have a bit of white space) and set their size in the CSS or HTML, too. The less you rely on JS, the better, IMHO. :slight_smile: