Hi EastCoast,
Thanks for your response to my query.
Fair enough, I cannot argue with that.
I’ve replaced the piece of AS2 with AS3 code.
However, embedding it into my Flash file is an issue. I’m getting no compiler errors, but when I click on a MC panel to load a slideshow I get the following output error messages:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at mainCS3_final11_fla::MainTimeline/addFullPanel()
at mainCS3_final11_fla::mainContainer_1/onClick()
The slideshow AS within the FullProjectPanel MC reads:
var galleryData:XML;
var galleryLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
galleryLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGalleryDataLoaded, false, 0, true);
var panelNames:String = MovieClip(this.parent).name;
trace("trace.this = "+this);
trace("trace.this.parent = "+this.parent);
trace("panel chosen (outside function) = "+panelNames);
switch(panelNames) {
case "pic1.jpg":
//case "instance49":
trace("panel chosen = "+panelNames);
galleryLoader.load(new URLRequest("gallery1.xml"));
case "pic2.jpg":
galleryLoader.load(new URLRequest("gallery2.xml"));
case "pic3.jpg":
galleryLoader.load(new URLRequest("gallery3.xml"));
case "pic4.jpg":
galleryLoader.load(new URLRequest("gallery4.xml"));
case "pic5.jpg":
galleryLoader.load(new URLRequest("gallery5.xml"));
function onGalleryDataLoaded(evt:Event):void {
galleryData = new XML(evt.target.data);
// start checking if the movie is loaded
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onCheckLoaded, false, 0, true);
galleryLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGalleryDataLoaded);
function onCheckLoaded(evt:Event):void {
if (root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal == root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded) {
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onCheckLoaded);
Depending on what MC I click, the script should load a corresponding slideshow.
On Scene 1 I’ve got:
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.easing.Back;
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
var panelContainer:Sprite = new Sprite;
var imageArray:Array = new Array();
var currentButton:Object = new Object;
var selectedSection:Number = 0;
var myThumb:Array = new Array();
var myImage:Array = new Array();
function progressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
trace("progress: " + event.target.progress);
//loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);
function loadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
var percentLoaded:Number = Math.ceil(event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal);
trace("Loading: "+percentLoaded+"%");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData: XML;
//Load the XML file
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("images/slides2.xml"));
//Adding an event listener to notify when loading is completed
function ParseXML(event:Event):void {
var panelArray:Array = new Array();
xmlData = new XML(event.target.data);
var lengthDoc = xmlData.image.name.length();
for (var j:int=0; j<lengthDoc; j++) {
var xmlLoader = new Loader();
var panelItem:ProjectPanel = new ProjectPanel;
var imageName = (xmlData.image[j].name);
panelItem.name = imageName;
panelItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
panelItem.buttonMode = true;
panelItem.project_title.text = (xmlData.image[j].description.@title);
panelItem.project_description.text = (xmlData.image[j].description);
var imageThumb:String = xmlData.image[j].path.@thumb.toString();
var imageLarge:String = xmlData.image[j].path.@large.toString();
myThumb[j] = imageThumb;
myImage[j] = imageLarge;
trace (myImage[j]);
var imageUrlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(myThumb[j]);
imageArray[j] = xmlLoader.load(imageUrlRequest);
panelItem.project_image.MovieClip = (imageArray[j+1]);
if (j>0) {
panelItem.x = j*(panelArray[j-1].width+10);
// adding Items as children to Container
function ParseXML2(imageData2:XML):void {
trace("XML Output");
var imageChildren:XMLList = imageData2.image.children();
for each (var imageData2:XML in imageChildren) {
if (imageData2.name() == "name") {
function errorHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
trace("error occured with " + event.target + ": " + event.text);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent) {
// tween all panels below visible area when clicking on projectPanel
TweenLite.to(panelContainer, 0.5, {y:stage.stageHeight+250, ease:Back.easeIn});
var target:MovieClip = evt.currentTarget as MovieClip;
var panelNames:String = target.name;
trace("panel chosen (inside function) = "+panelNames);
// running function on the main timeline
// slide the panels back up on closing the single panel project
function slideUp():void {
TweenLite.to(panelContainer, 0.5, {y:0, ease:Back.easeOut});
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);
function onMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// scroll only if fullprojectpanelup is false to prevent from interfering with transitions
if (MovieClip(this.parent).fullProjectPanelUp==false) {
TweenLite.to(panelContainer, 0.3, {x:-(stage.mouseX/980)*panelContainer.width+stage.stageWidth/2});
And on Scene1 on the main Timeline I’ve got:
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
var fullProjectPanel: FullProjectPanel;
function loadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
var percentLoaded:Number = event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal;
percentLoaded = Math.round(percentLoaded * 100);
trace("Loading: "+percentLoaded+"%");
function loadComplete(event:Event):void {
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
// ADD FULL PROJECT PANEL ( runs when clicking on project panel(2nd frame of mainContainer, line 28))
function addFullPanel(panelNames:String) {
var path:String = "images/"+panelNames;
fullProjectPanel = new FullProjectPanel();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(path);
trace("path = "+path);
TweenLite.from(fullProjectPanel, 0.6, {alpha:0, delay:0.5});
// indicate state
fullProjectPanelUp = true;
// listen for click on close button
fullProjectPanel.closePanel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCloseClick);
fullProjectPanel.closePanel.buttonMode = true;
function onCloseClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// run the slide up function that slides up the project container
// remove the panel
// delay the state change to allow for transition
// TweenLite.delayedCall(0.4, upFalse);
function upFalse():void {
fullProjectPanelUp = false;
Using the trace command, I think I managed to track down the source of the issue. The variable panelNames exists only within the function.
In other words
trace (panel chosen (inside function)) = pic1.jpg
which is correct, and
trace (panel chosen (outside function) = root1.
So when I use the switch function in the FullProjectPanel MC it doesn’t recognize the panelNames anymore. Do I have to define panelNames globally, and if so how do I go about doing that? Or is there a more trivial solution?
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.