Im new to programming & ruby so be patient with me.
I got stuck at pg 164 after doing the mapping of the new resource. I got a “Naming Error”
anybody can point me to look in some direction ?
NameError in Stories#new
Showing app/views/stories/new.rhtml where line #4 raised:
`@#<Story:0x256a638>' is not allowed as an instance variable name
Extracted source (around line #4):
1: <% form_for @story do |f| %>
2: <p>
3: name:<br />
4: <%= f.text_field :name %>
5: </p>
6: <p>
7: link:<br />
RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/..
Can you check the version of Rails you are on? To do this go to your command line and use the rails -v command.
I’m asking because I see that your template file has the rhtml instead of html.erb extension, which may indicate you are using an older version of Rails.