Silverlight and PHP, Part 2: Creating a Simple Twitter\n Client

Notice: This is a discussion thread for comments about the SitePoint article, [url=]Silverlight and PHP, Part 2: Creating a Simple Twitter

In his previous article, A Beginner’s Guide to Silverlight with PHP, author Jordan Knight talked about creating a web service in PHP and then consuming that service from Silverlight. In [URL=“”]today’s tutorial, Jordan shows us how to create a twitter client in Silverlight, using the concepts he introduced us to last time.

Before you get your hands dirty creating a simple Twitter Client, you’ll probably want to take another look at Jordan’s first piece. We won’t be summarizing the basics here, so it’s important to get your head around the ground we covered last time before you dive in.

Once you’re up to speed, today’s article will show you how easy it is to build an application that allows you to enter a twitter search term, and then display the tweets that are received in Silverlight.

We have a Microsoft-sponsored quiz for you to try once you’ve read the [URL=“”]article, so let’s see how good your memory is!

[B]Read the article[/B]
[B]Take the quiz[/B]

I have been bouncing between the Nokia N900 and Google Nexus One. The Nexus One is one of the slickest Google Android devices available and the application support is outstanding. After using it now for almost two weeks I am indeed finding that I am experiencing the 3G/EDGE poor …

Could you help me configure?

I think you should work more on the promoting part. It’s one of the most important parts.

A word of advice, do it in ASP.NET next time.

Depending on the nature and target audience, you decide that you invest a few dollars in the market for advertising in printed media like newspapers and magazines need.