Setting a custom header in Pear Mail

Hi all,

Im using Pear to send email from my script. However its getting caught in the client’s spam filtering software.

My code is:

$host = "";
	$username = "##";
	$password = "###";
	$port = "25";
	$to = "###";
	$headers['Cc'] = $requestData['email'];
	$headers['From'] = "###";
	$headers['Subject'] = $subject;
	$email_body = $message;

How can I set a custom header in this email so that I can detect these legit emails in the sam filtering software and let them through?

If the mail is always coming from your script, what email address are you sending from? I am wondering whether it’s easier to white-list the sender. Does the spam filtering software not tell you why it’s trapping those emails?

In any case, adding headers with Pear mail:

Thanks. Ive done white-listing and various other things and it still gets filtered! So adding a custom header that I can test against in the spam software is my ‘Plan B’!

So - regards adding a custom header - can I create the name of my own header or can I only use a predefined header name? If I can only use an existing header, what would be the best one to use in my scenario? And is it as simple as adding the line:

$headers['header_name'] = "a value that I set";

Many thanks!

What happens if you try it with a customer header name?

I don’t know the “rules”, but I do know that various spam filters tend to add headers of their own, so that would suggest that you can pretty much make them up as you wish. Stuff like “X-RBL-Scan” and the like are headers I recall, and the name usually suggests which filter has added them. This kind of thing:

and I figure that’s something 1&1 add in as needed.

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