Serchable Database by user?

I’m pretty new at this so be gentle.
I have a person that wants a UFO website and wants a form so visitors can enter information about there UFO sitings IE: TIME, LOCATION, CITY,COUNTRY, etc…
Also wants visitors to be able to search the information that has been submitted.
Example: I see a UFO at 9:30pm at Canton Ohio and wonder if any body else has seen it so I do a search on the site for the time and location.
How would I go about setting this up?
I have setup standard Email-submition forms.
but not a search form.
whats the best programing language to use?
I would imagine PHP since the information will be in a database?
Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.

i built a search page using ASP, but yes u can also do that in php i belive (altho i dont know php)

that would be the SQL for ur search page

SELECT fields FROM table WHERE timeSeen LIKE %time% AND LocSeen LIKE %loc%

so in the example above, timeSeen contains the time and LocSeen contains the location, the results will be anything that matches both the loc and time given.
u can change the AND to OR to check only 1 of the parameters

the % % symbols surrounding the parameters means that there can be any letter after and before the parameter given
so for example if u got Israel as a country in ur database, and some1 writes “a” in the seach, then it’ll include israel in the results :slight_smile:

hope thats what u’re looking for :slight_smile:

using time would not be a good idea - you enter 9:00pm, I enter 21:00, third person enters 9:05pm, fourth enters 21:10. No matches, but probably same event.
Use the date instead, and just show them the time to check it themselves