SEO, placing sitemaps and google Id on a page

For SEO purposes, where do I place the google generated Id code from webmaster tools and the sitemap.xml files?

my web is…

I redirect from Cpanel via redirects from /now to so you type and get on the site…

Do I place the files in or in ?

Thanks !!

I put my sitemap.xml in the website root folder and my Id from memory in the page header.


the Id generated gives today a id.html file so I guess it has to be placed somewhere in the root since its… .html

You upload the id file to the root directory, too.

Google provides instructions for both sitemaps and verification. (It usually provides instructions in Search Console when the id is generated.)



yes, thanks… been there… but it doesnt explain and Im new in all this as everybody realized in this forum lol… if i have to place the Id html file in… the content file or in the domain name file…
so in. a) or b) www…

The “root directory” is the highest level of your domain - the one you upload everything else to. So that would be

It’s easy enough to know if you got it right. You need to upload the file, then check the link in Search Console to make sure you can access the file correctly. If you can’t, you’ll know you’ve made a mistake.

ok, its probably because it has not collect data yet it hasn’t worked yet… maybe it does not make difference in what root it is, i putted it in the same root folder as the robot.txt and the sitemap.xml file.
Should I put the code also in the page it self…why not…the question is… what file? It is a CMS open source page (osclass) and its pretty much .php everything… So I wonder… in the main page if I view the source i see…it looks like a normal page… header…body…etc… where should I look for? check out every .php file right?

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding what you’re asking about here.

The Google site verification pages I have contain just a single line, like this:

google-site-verification: google94fed4d5c345a68f.html

They need to be placed in the correct directory (folder) for Google to find them and confirm the site as yours.

You don’t need to upload the file and add the code to a page. One or other is sufficient. You do need to complete the verification process (by whichever method) in Search Console.

Thanks !

when I created the website, I used Cpanel and put all the files of the website in a root folder, so it is located… I placed the verification.html file in the and verified the page… and google acepted it. I felt a bit concerned if now google indexes an empty folder… afterwards, I copied the file and placed it a second time in, so i have now one verificationfile in the domainname foldr and one in the rootfolder with ll files of the website, but I did not veryfy a second time, dont know how, so now my concern is that google would see an empty page?

I connected also the Console with Analytics, where there i can see traffic happening, though the console stil says 0

Job done!
You should have stopped there.

Why? The site is verified, you don’t need to do any more with the verification code.

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Ty Sam,
that is what I look up to understand, do you actually verify your site(domain name) or your files, meaning we want the robots to understand where you are. So the general question is this, I try to make it clear this time…

You have a website called and you made a wordpress and created a folder named content and placed it in there… now if you type it apears a blank page… if you type you see the page with the drinks… when its ready, you redirect from cpanel the page from to… now you type and you see the page…
now… where hould have appear the verification.html ? in a) or b)

Verification has nothing to do with indexing. It is simply a way of proving your ownership of the site to Google, so they know that the person creating the Search Console account for a site does actually have admin privileges on that site, as in they are able to upload a file there.
So on your successful verification, that step is complete, move on.

That should not happen on a properly set up site, you should see the homepage, why create the “content” folder? The root folder is your content folder.

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