I have drawn two circles. One is inside the other with the same center.
How do i select the area between the two circle. I dont want to select the inner circle. Only the part that lies between the two circles. like a doughnut shape.
Yes, there are.
Here’s a nice little article that shows you various ways of manipulating selections: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-editing/basic-selections/page-5.php
Thanx. exactly what i wanted!
do you know of other selection short cuts too? like addition and intersect.
- Click on the large circle layer and press Option + click (should be selected now)
- Hold Option key + Alt key and click on the small circle layer (should now be subtracted from selection).
You should now have a doughnut shaped selection.
the magic wand selects on basis of the color. isn’t there any other way of selecting between the circles?
Use the Magic Wand for this. Click the “ring” and you have your selecton. You can set the tolerance in the toolbar. 32 is usually what I use, but there are many options. Try and see for yourself what you need.
The Magic Wand is a fantastic tool, very usefull in many ways.