Script no more working

I have a js code to include a div from one mywebsite (A) to another one (B).
In (A) php code I set a variable $baseurl=“$thatwebsite/path-in-that-website/”, in this way I have the same code for local and remote (too long to explain here, unless you ask). And in a php page of (A) I have a div (with id="someid) that contains books of a given writer, linked using as base the above variable ($baseurl) + what is specific of that link.
In the footer of (B) I call a js in this structure:

    var base_url_websiteA = "<?php echo "$thatwebsite"; ?>";
     $( "#someid" ).load(base_url + "/specific-path #thatID" ); 

Today I have rewritten the php code to automatize files listed and linked, and that code works only in (A), non more in (B). because in (B) the variable $thatwebsite is not recognized, and the path is wholly related to (B).
The variable $thatwebsite is defined in the php pages of (B) (in the head of each page), the js script is at the bottom of each page.
Should I provide further info?
I’m not sure but it seems a js problem, and not a php one: I’m wrong?
And what should I do?
Thank you!

Aside from the bizarre quotes in this line below (I’d remove the quotes around $thatwebsite), I don’t see the issue. What happens if you echo out $thatwebsite from php, just above this line but within the html? Does it look good there?

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Indeed, probably the problem is php, and not js. Should I change something in the collocation of this thread?

The php code is:

// Files to exclude
$excludedFiles = ['somefile'];

function listFilesAndFolders($dir, $excludedFiles, $level = 3) {//level = 3 dice che si parte da h3, se fosse 2 partirebbe da h2
    // Open the directory
    if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
        // Loop through the directory
        while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
            // Skip the current and parent directory entries
            if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
                $fullPath = "$dir/$entry";

                // Check if it's a directory
                if (is_dir($fullPath)) {
                    // Display the directory name as a heading
                    echo "<h$level><a href=\"$fullPath\">$entry</a></h$level><ul>";
                    // Recursively list files in the subdirectory, increasing heading level
                    listFilesAndFolders($fullPath, $excludedFiles, $level + 1);
                } else {
                    // Check if the file should be excluded
                    if (!in_array($entry, $excludedFiles)) {
                        $entry2 = str_replace('-', ' ', $entry);
                        $entry2 = pathinfo($entry2, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
                        // It's a file, display the file name as a link
                        echo "<li><a href=\"$fullPath\">$entry2</a></li>\n";
        echo "</ul>";

// Call the function to start listing from the specified path
listFilesAndFolders($path, $excludedFiles);

The above script has this strange (in my opinion, sorry, if I’m wrong) behavior:
while this below provide the right path:
echo $mypath;

this other, instead, doesn’t work (no output at all):
$path = "$mypath/dir1/dir2/dir3/";

But this works (the php page is in the folder dir2):

$path = "./dir3/";

I guess that the problem is opendir. I need that its value is not the current dir, but one set by a variable.

It seems ok.

I did this attempt:

$lastpath = “dir3”;
echo “$baseurl\n”; //correct
echo “$path\n”; // correct
echo “$baseurl/$lastpath”; // correct
$path = “$baseurl/$lastpath”; // wrong


The strange is that php says:
Failed to open directory: https://localhost/[my-right-path]

even if that path is existing:cold_sweat:


Doing this test:

$testDir = 'https://localhost/my-absolute-path/'; // Use your directory path here

if (is_dir($testDir)) {
    if ($handle = opendir($testDir)) {
        echo "Successfully opened directory: $testDir";
    } else {
        echo "Failed to open directory: $testDir";
} else {
    echo "The path does not exist or is not a directory: $testDir";

I get this error:

The path does not exist or is not a directory:

There may be more than one problem here. Given the definition of opendir(), you can’t put a URL in as the first parameter. It’s expecting a directory string, ie no https:// domain/ stuff. Same with is_dir().

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and some alternative to opendir, to get a similar result?

I tried with glob, but unsuccessfully. And inexplicably.

$path = trim("$baseurl$lastpath");

// Files to exclude
$excludedFiles = ['', 'index.php'];

function listFilesAndFolders($dir, $excludedFiles, $level = 3) {
    // Use glob to find files and directories
    $entries = glob("$dir/*");

    if ($entries) {
        echo "<p>Successfully opened directory: $dir</p>";
        $hasEntries = false; // Flag to check if there are entries

        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $entryName = basename($entry);

            // Skip excluded files
            if (in_array($entryName, $excludedFiles)) {

            $hasEntries = true; // There are valid entries

            // Check if it's a directory
            if (is_dir($entry)) {
                echo "<h$level><a href=\"$entry\">$entryName</a></h$level><ul>";
                // Recursively list files in the subdirectory, increasing heading level
                listFilesAndFolders($entry, $excludedFiles, $level + 1);
                echo "</ul>"; // Closing the <ul> after the recursive call
            } else {
                // Optionally, you can display files as well
                echo "<li>$entryName</li>";

        if (!$hasEntries) {
            echo "<p>No files or folders found in $dir.</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>Failed to open directory: $dir</p>";

// Call the function to start listing from the specified path
listFilesAndFolders($path, $excludedFiles);

Error message:

Failed to open directory: [my existing directory]

I don’t know of a function to allow http access to a directory on a remote server. As you can imagine, it’s a security concern. But look into the ftp functions, e.g. ftp_nlist() which allows it assuming you provide login credentials to the remote machine.

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Thank you! This morning I had this idea: the problem could be a variable, defined (in another file, but I guess this is not relevant) within an if statement, called within another if statement.
So, a nested if, I suppose, could be the php problem.
So far I haven’t said, but $thatwebsite is defined within an if statement:

if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === "localhost")
{$thatwebsite = "https://localhost/my-local-path";
else {
 $thatwebsite = "https://remotepath";

Maybe could be this the point?
And, if so, how fix it?


This code works:

$excludedFiles = ['', 'index.php'];

function listFilesAndFolders($path, $excludedFiles, $baseurl, $level = 3) {
    // Use glob to find files and directories
    $entries = glob("$path/*");

    if ($entries) {
        $hasEntries = false; // Flag to check if there are entries

        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $entryName = basename($entry);
            $wholehrefpath = "$baseurl/$path/$entryName";

            // Skip excluded files
            if (in_array($entryName, $excludedFiles)) {

            $hasEntries = true; // There are valid entries

            // Check if it's a directory
            if (is_dir($entry)) {
                echo "<h$level><a href=\"$entry\">$entryName</a></h$level><ul>";
                // Recursively list files in the subdirectory, increasing heading level
                listFilesAndFolders($entry, $excludedFiles, $baseurl, $level + 1);
                echo "</ul>"; // Closing the <ul> after the recursive call
            } else {
                // Link each file
                echo "<li><a href=\"$wholehrefpath\">$entryName</a></li>";

        if (!$hasEntries) {
            echo "<p>No files or folders found in $path.</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>Failed to open directory: $path</p>";

// Call the function to start listing from the specified path
listFilesAndFolders($path, $excludedFiles, $baseurl);

Or better, it works only once: only for a writer :frowning:

I can call this working:

$path = "./writer1";
include "$root/";

But this works only for the first writer


<div id="etexts_writer1">

$path = "./writer1";
include "$root/";


<div id="etexts_writer2">

$path = "./writer2";
include "$root/";


<div id="etexts_writer3">

$path = "./writer3";
include "$root/";

How should I modify the code?

Surely you only need to include it once, and just keep calling the function for each value of $path? Don’t call it in your included file, just include the file at the start and call the function each time you need to.

When you say “it works only for the first writer”, what happens for the second and subsequent ones?

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I just tried to follow your advice but unsuccessfully:


$path = "./writer1";
include "$root/";



$path = "./writer2";

The above code indeed doesn’t work: the second call doesn’t, only the first.

I don’t see where you call your listFilesAndFolders() function for the second value of $path.

I still don’t know what you mean by “doesn’t work”. Does it do nothing? That wouldn’t be surprising if you’re not calling the function a second time. Or does it give you an error message?

(Note - I haven’t looked at the contents of the function, I’m just talking about how you need to call it more than once.)

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Doesn’t work means: no output.
But at the end, I decide to put that script splitting writer pages in separated directories. And so, all work as expected.

No error messages? What debugging did you do? How far through the code did it get?

It’s great that it’s working for you now, but if you’ve duplicated the script just to make it work that seems like a backwards step.

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no error messages. I don’t have duplicated the script: all the php pages in several directories use the same script.
I’m not an expert of php, and I guess that is a no-perfect workaround. But for my needs it’s enough, at the present.

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