Runner sees the old .gitlab-ci.yml file

The old .gitlab-ci.yml file was as follows:

  - build
  - deploy
  stage: build
    - rm -rf /data/project
    - cd /data/
    - git clone http://IP/project/project.git
  stage: deploy
    - cd /data/docker
    - docker compose up -d

I modified the .gitlab-ci.yml file as follows:

  - build
  - deploy
  stage: build
    - rm -rf /data/project
    - cd /data/
  stage: deploy
    - cd /data/docker
    - docker compose up -d

I started and stopped the runner and I also used the clear runner caches button, but Runner still sees the old .gitlab-ci.yml file:

Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/58HB9Us2w/0/project/project/.git/
remote: You are not allowed to download code from this project.
fatal: unable to access 'http://IP/project/project.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

What is the problem?


I also updated the GitLab Runner:

# gitlab-runner --version
Version:      16.11.0
Git revision: 91a27b2a
Git branch:   16-11-stable
GO version:   go1.21.9
Built:        2024-04-18T19:21:08+0000
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Problem exist!

Hi again,
I unregistered the token and then created a new Runner and registered it:

# gitlab-runner list
Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux pid=274827 revision=91a27b2a version=16.11.0
There might be a problem with your config based on jsonschema annotations in common/config.go (experimental feature):
jsonschema: '/runners/0/Monitoring' does not validate with$ref/properties/runners/items/$ref/properties/Monitoring/$ref/type: expected object, but got null
Listing configured runners                          ConfigFile=/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
project                                              Executor=shell Token=glrt-ZYyfPxwzqxqTTMnmcBJp URL=http://IP

But the result is the same as before:

# gitlab-runner run
Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux pid=274765 revision=91a27b2a version=16.11.0
Starting multi-runner from /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml...  builds=0 max_builds=0
Running in system-mode.                            
There might be a problem with your config based on jsonschema annotations in common/config.go (experimental feature):
jsonschema: '/runners/0/Monitoring' does not validate with$ref/properties/runners/items/$ref/properties/Monitoring/$ref/type: expected object, but got null
Configuration loaded                                builds=0 max_builds=1
listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled  builds=0 max_builds=1
[session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled  builds=0 max_builds=1
Initializing executor providers                     builds=0 max_builds=1
Checking for jobs... received                       job=963 repo_url=http://IP/project/project.git runner=ETyfPxwzq
Added job to processing list                        builds=1 job=963 max_builds=1 project=9 repo_url=http://IP/project/project.git time_in_queue_seconds=1
WARNING: Job failed: exit status 1
                 duration_s=0.369725037 job=963 project=9 runner=ETyfPxwzq
Appending trace to coordinator...ok                 code=202 job=963 job-log=0-1001 job-status=running runner=ETyfPxwzq sent-log=0-1000 status=202 Accepted update-interval=1m0s
Updating job...                                     bytesize=1001 checksum=crc32:5e4fbae7 job=963 runner=ETyfPxwzq
Submitting job to coordinator...ok                  bytesize=1001 checksum=crc32:5e4fbae7 code=200 job=963 job-status= runner=ETyfPxwzq update-interval=0s
Removed job from processing list                    builds=0 job=963 max_builds=1 project=9 repo_url=http://IP/project/project.git time_in_queue_seconds=1

How do I troubleshoot?

I created a new project and used the same .gitlab-ci.yml file as before. This time Runner worked. Where is the problem from? Is there anything like a cache left somewhere?

Problem solved. The reason was that I was not a member of the project.


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