Run button click on WP Admin with Add_action

I created a simple button in my ADMIN wordpress.

<button type = "button"> RUN </ button>
I would like a function that is in function.php only executed when I click RUN.

I can add my function:

add_action ('my_action', 'my_function');
But how do I call the function when I click the button?

Hey @Gih, I moved the topic to the CMS & WordPress category, hope that’s OK. :-) Now what exactly is that button supposed to do? It seems you are confusing two different things here… clicking a button is a browser event, so the PHP scripts have already run and served a given page (the admin panel in that case). The add_action() function however hooks a function to an action during the server side script execution. Now what you can do is setting a value in the database when you click the button (although you’ll usually submit a whole form with some given options), and check for that value somewhere in your functions.php.

Thanks M3g4p0p

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