ok, I’ve been told what I would like to do has to be done in php or something similar. I don’t know much on writing code or php but here is what I am trying todo here.
I want to create a directory and upload images in that directory with file names like:
What I would like to do is have the script search the directory and find the newest date, in this case is 10202012.jpg and compare that date to todays date of 10132012 and then display this image until 11:00 pm of the date of the filename, then expire and display the next image wich is 10272012.jpg and do this all over for all the files in that directory.
10202012 would be the oldest date, not the newest. At any rate though, due to the way filesystems sort files, it would be better to name the files in YYYYMMDD format … IE: 20121020, 20121027, etc.
Then you could do something like:
Example file list:
$curdate = date('Ymd');
$curtime = date('Hi');
$path = '/path/to/files'; // A relative path would be better
$filelist = scandir($path);
$img = ''; // You can also initialize this as an int to set a 'default' image if one for the curdate isn't found
foreach ($filelist as $key => $file)
if ( (!is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) && (substr($file, 0, 8) == $curdate) ) {
if ( ($curtime < 2300) || (!array_key_exists($key + 1, $filelist)) ) {
$img = $key;
} else {
$img = $key + 1;
$curimage = $path . '/' . $filelist[$img];
echo "<img src='{$curimage}' />";
Is it really 11 PM you’re wanting, and not midnight?
As Keith suggested, put your files in YYYYMMDD format - not necessarily because of how the OS stores them (which can be variable), but because you can compare them in PHP (which is what scandir does).
$files = scandir($dir); //Get files. They will be in order.
while ($files[0] == "." || $files[0] == "..") { array_shift($files); } //Get rid of directories.
$files = array_filter($files,function($file) { return ((int)$file >= ((date('G') < 23) ? (int)date('Ymd') : (int)date('Ymd',strotime('tomorrow')))); }); //Get rid of any files that are too old.
$imgout = array_shift($files);
You will see better performance if you store all files you have in a DB as you manipulate your directory. You’d then run a query against your DB of images and use the returned record set to present your data / files.