Rotate Script

I’ve been looking for a script that could take these circles which would be individual placed within a ID and each circle would rotate separately, but would cause the other circles to follow along and rotate (think gears) the white in the middle is the center of the circle as this is important. When you drag your mouse left or right you could speed up, slow down the rotation of all the circles that sums up the type of script I’m hoping to find !

I think there is something wrong with your gears.

Say they are numbered

1 2 3

4 5 6

If gear 1 is turning clockwise then gears 2 and 4 will be turning anti-clockwise. Since gear 4 is turning anti-clockwise, it will try to turn gear 2 clockwise. But gear 2 is already being turned anti-clockwise by gear 1. So which direction is gear 2 supposed to be turning in?

There would need to be a deliberate gap between some of the turning gears, such as in this example:

And in addition, your circles are solid black with a white solid disc centre, how could you tell if the circles are turning or not unless you have some sort of marker, like a dot or whatever somewhere on the black part of the circle.

PMW57 is on the right track. The circles are just a fill-in !
The circles/gears are going to move all in one direction as seen in post #3

Are the circles/gears going to all move in one direction (eg all clockwise)

or are they going to move in opposite directions as seen in post 3 (where two move clockwise and the third moves anti-clockwise)?

The gears are going to move in opposite directions, as in Post #3.

That is what I implied in Post #2. So which gears are actually in contact with each other because they can’t all be contacting their neigbouring gears (as in your op) as I suggested in Post #2.

Going on the following layout of the gears:

1  2  3
  4  5  6

It would work if there were a slight separation between 4 & 2, and 5 & 3

1 2 3
4 5 6

Gear 1 would move clockwise
Gear 2 would move anticlockwise
Gear 3 would move clockwise
Gear 4 would move anticlockwise
Gear 5 would move anticlockwise
Gear 6 would move clockwise

So there needs to be a gap between 2&5, 2&6, 3&6, 4&5, which completely separate the 5+6 set of gears from the other set.

A gap but they must rotate as gears would.

Well it sounds like we’ve worked out some of the issues with this, and are close to being able to put together a design document for the process.

At this point I’d normally ask, so what’s the budget?

Well it sounds like we’ve worked out some of the issues with this, and are close to being able to put together a design document for the process.

At this point I’d normally ask, so what’s the budget? :slight_smile:

Currently my budget for this is nada, isn’t there something like this already available ?

If there is, we’ll let you know.

Of the options that require some work, they are using Flash, or creating an animated image of some kind.

Typically though, the best animated cog logos come from people who know something about animation. Most animations are one-off, and become the property of the client who commissions them. You might find some of those people who are willing to dedicate their time and resources for free to create a one-off piece for you, but then the end result may not be to your liking.

What you could do if you want it done for free, is to do the work yourself. Go to an animation forum and get their help so that you can do the work to create the animation that you require.

If there is, we’ll let you know.

Of the options that require some work, they are using Flash, or creating an animated image of some kind.

I know how to create an animation, I want interactivity and I don’t want to use Flash, I want to stick with jQuery only, I want the script to do most if not all of the animation work, where my part would only be to place the images and let the script do the rest.