Reversing comment order in Wordpress - paging problem

Hey guys,

I have a pretty frustrating issue. I had set-up my comment system to display the newest comments first in page and that works perfectly. HOWEVER, when an article gets over the comment limit per page (20 in my case) and the comment system breaks down in multiple pages, everything starts behaving weird. The new comments (the 21th) go onto the next page and each comments page sorts the comments individually - comments are not sorted new first article wise, but comment page wise. Also, I never seem to get the last page to appear first, even if I set it up in the discussion settings. I tried disabling all plugins, it behaves in the same way.

Long story short, I’m stuck with an annoying issue that I can’t fix…atm.


after 3 more hours, still can’t find a solution. I tried looking for some WP addons…tweaks…nothing.

If you temporarily use the default theme is the problem still there?