Resume capability

I got this code that secure the download links but got no resume capability,
can sombody help me to add resume code on this script?

This is the script:

| Chip Error Manipulation


| Chip Constant Manipulation

define( "CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT",				__DIR__ . "/" );

| Chip Download Class


| Class Instance

$download_path = CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT . "downloadfiles/";
$file = $_REQUEST['f'];

$args = array(
		'download_path'		=>	$download_path,
		'file'				=>	$file,		
		'extension_check'	=>	TRUE,
		'referrer_check'	=>	FALSE,
		'referrer'			=>	NULL,
$download = new chip_download( $args );

| Pre Download Hook

$download_hook = $download->get_download_hook();

| Download

if( $download_hook['download'] == TRUE ) {

	/* You can write your logic before proceeding to download */
	/* Let's download file */




class chip_download {
	| Properties
	private $download_hook = array();
	private $args = array(
						'download_path'			=>	NULL,
						'file'					=>	NULL,						
						'extension_check'		=>	TRUE,
						'referrer_check'		=>	FALSE,	
						'referrer'				=>	NULL,					
	private $allowed_extensions = array(
						/* Archives */
						'zip'	=> 'application/zip',
						'rar'	=> 'application/rar',
						'7z'	=> 'application/octet-stream',
					  	/* Documents */
					  	'txt'	=> 'text/plain',
						'pdf'	=> 'application/pdf',
					  	'doc' 	=> 'application/msword',
					  	'xls'	=> 'application/',
					  	'ppt'	=> 'application/',
					  	/* Executables */
					  	'exe'	=> 'application/octet-stream',
					  	/* Images */
					  	'gif'	=> 'image/gif',
					  	'png'	=> 'image/png',
					  	'jpg'	=> 'image/jpeg',
					  	'jpeg'	=> 'image/jpeg',
					  	/* Audio */
					  	'mp3'	=> 'audio/mpeg',
					  	'wav'	=> 'audio/x-wav',
					  	/* Video */
					  	'mpeg'	=> 'video/mpeg',
					  	'mpg'	=> 'video/mpeg',
					  	'mpe'	=> 'video/mpeg',
					  	'mov'	=> 'video/quicktime',
					  	'avi'	=> 'video/x-msvideo'

	| Constructor
	| @public
	| @param array $args
	| @param array $allowed_extensions
	public function __construct( $args = array(), $allowed_extensions = array()  ) {
		$this->set_args( $args );
		$this->set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions );
	| Print variable in readable format
	| @public
	| @param string|array|object $var
	public function chip_print( $var ) { 
		echo "<pre>";
   	 	echo "</pre>";
	| Update default arguments
	| It will update default array of class i.e $args
	| @private
	| @param array $args - input arguments
	| @param array $defatuls - default arguments 
	| @return array
	private function chip_parse_args( $args = array(), $defaults = array() ) { 
		return array_merge( $defaults, $args );	 
	| Get extension and name of file
	| @private
	| @param string $file_name 
	| @return array - having file_name and file_ext
	private function chip_extension($file_name) {
		$temp = array();
		$temp['file_name'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, 0, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) ) );
	    $temp['file_extension'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) + 1 ) );
		return $temp;
	| Set default arguments
	| It will set default array of class i.e $args
	| @private
	| @param array $args
	| @return 0
	private function set_args( $args = array() ) { 
		$defaults = $this->get_args();
		$args = $this->chip_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
		$this->args = $args;	 
	| Get default arguments
	| It will get default array of class i.e $args
	| @public
	| @return array
	public function get_args() { 
		return $this->args;	 
	| Set default allowed extensions
	| It will set default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
	| @private
	| @param array $allowed_extensions
	| @return 0
	private function set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions = array() ) { 
		$defaults = $this->get_allowed_extensions();
		$allowed_extensions = array_unique( $this->chip_parse_args( $allowed_extensions, $defaults ) );
		$this->allowed_extensions = $allowed_extensions;	 
	| Get default allowed extensions
	| It will get default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
	| @public
	| @return array
	public function get_allowed_extensions() { 
		return $this->allowed_extensions;	 
	| Set Mimi Type
	| It will set default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
	| @private
	| @param string $file_path
	! @return string
	private function set_mime_type( $file_path ) { 
		/* by Function - mime_content_type */
		if( function_exists( 'mime_content_type' ) ) {
			$file_mime_type = @mime_content_type( $file_path );
		/* by Function - mime_content_type */
		else if( function_exists( 'finfo_file' ) ) {
			$finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
			$file_mime_type = @finfo_file($finfo, $file_path);
		/* Default - FALSE */
		else {
			$file_mime_type = FALSE;
		 return $file_mime_type;	 
	| Get Mimi Type
	| It will set default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
	| @public
	| @param string $file_path
	! @return string
	public function get_mime_type( $file_path ) { 
		return $this->set_mime_type( $file_path );	 
	| Pre Download Hook
	| @private
	| @return 0
	private function set_download_hook() { 
		/* Allowed Extensions */
		$allowed_extensions = $this->get_allowed_extensions();
		/* Arguments */
		$args = $this->get_args();		
		/* Extract Arguments */
		/* Directory Depth */
		$dir_depth = dirname( $file );
		if ( !empty( $dir_depth ) && $dir_depth != "." ) {
			$download_path = $download_path . $dir_depth . "/";
		/* File Name */
		$file = basename( $file );
		/* File Path */
		$file_path = $download_path . $file;
		$this->download_hook['file_path'] = $file_path;
		/* File and File Path Validation */
		if( empty( $file ) || !file_exists( $file_path ) ) {
			$this->download_hook['download'] = FALSE;
			$this->download_hook['message'] = "Invalid File or File Path.";
			return 0;
		/* File Name and Extension */
		$nameext = $this->chip_extension($file);
		$file_name = $nameext['file_name'];
		$file_extension = $nameext['file_extension'];
		$this->download_hook['file'] = $file;
		$this->download_hook['file_name'] = $file_name;
		$this->download_hook['file_extension'] = $file_extension;

		/* Allowed Extension - Validation */
		if ( $extension_check == TRUE && !array_key_exists( $file_extension, $allowed_extensions ) ) {
		  $this->download_hook['download'] = FALSE;
		  $this->download_hook['message'] = "File is not allowed to download"; 
		  return 0;
		/* Referrer - Validation */		
		if ( $referrer_check == TRUE && !empty($referrer) && strpos( strtoupper( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ), strtoupper( $referrer ) ) === FALSE ) {
			$this->download_hook['download'] = FALSE;
		 	$this->download_hook['message'] = "Internal server error - Please contact system administrator";
			return 0;
		/* File Size in Bytes */
		$file_size = filesize($file_path);
		$this->download_hook['file_size'] = $file_size;
		/* File Mime Type - Auto, Manual, Default */
		$file_mime_type = $this->get_mime_type( $file_path );		
		if( empty( $file_mime_type ) ) {
			$file_mime_type = $allowed_extensions[$file_extension];
			if( empty( $file_mime_type ) ) {
				$file_mime_type = "application/force-download";
		$this->download_hook['file_mime_type'] = $file_mime_type;
		$this->download_hook['download'] = TRUE;
		$this->download_hook['message'] = "File is ready to download";
		return 0;		
	| Download Hook
	| Allows you to do some action before download
	| @public
	| @return array
	public function get_download_hook() { 
		return $this->download_hook;
	| Post Download Hook
	| @private
	| @return array
	private function set_post_download_hook() { 
		return $this->download_hook;
	| Download
	| Start download stream
	| @public
	| @return 0
	public function set_download() { 
		/* Download Hook */
		$download_hook = $this->set_post_download_hook();
		/* Extract */
		/* Recheck */
		if( $download_hook['download'] != TRUE ) {
			echo "File is not allowed to download";
			return 0;
		/* Execution Time Unlimited */
		| Header
		| Forcing a download using readfile()
		header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
		header('Content-Type: ' . $file_mime_type);
		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $file);
		header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
		header('Expires: 0');
		header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
		header('Pragma: public');
		header('Content-Length: ' . $file_size);
	| Download
	| Start download stream
	| @public
	| @return array
	public function get_download() { 

	| Destructor
	public function __destruct() {


Thanks in advance…

You’ve just dumped two php files and haven’t really explained what you want. Do you think any of use know what “resume” functionality is cause I sure as hell don’t.

Resuming like the Download Managers do for downloads?

It’s a bit much for a forum topic.

What you’re looking for is “rsync” eg. this PECL package

I want to secure my download links, the scripts working perfectly but when using download manager(IDM) the resume capability not available but direct download from the server(without secure the link)the resume function works.I think it got to do with the script to add resume coding,can you help me?

This is quite simple.

First you need to make certain that the code send out the header “Accept-Ranges: bytes” with each download to let the client know you support resuming.

In addition for every download request you need to check for the “Range” header, which will look like this “Range: bytes=x-y”, where X and Y is the from and to range with content you should send.

When you receive a request like this you need to send these headers (in addition to the rest):
“HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content.” (Response code)
“Content-Range: bytes X-Y/Z” (X is from, Y is to and Z is total file size)

Then finally you need to send only the content range that was requested instead of sending the entire file.

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