Responsive site only works with absolute url, weird hosting setup

Built a site for a client. I don’t understand how their host refers to their domain and think it is causing issues with the responsive site.

View on your phone

[] site is not responsive


this is how the site should look on mobile devices and it does, if I put the complete site into a sub directory.

Viewing the source on the first url, i see frame sets…that’s not how my index.html file looks
I’ve tried redirecting to a sub directory or to the index file, tried internal css on the index page. No matter what I do, the mobile site doesn’t look how it should when going to the .com page

Confused as to what is going on and finding a solution.


Both sites are responsive to me when I view them in a browser on the desktop and narrow the browser.

The problem is that the page is displayed in a frameset on mobile and the main page has no viewport meta tag so media queries will have no effect and you will get a site that is estimated at 980px.

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Thanks PaulOB.

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