Removing a class from an html element

I am working with a wordpress theme. I need to find a way to remove a class from an html element.
What are the choices to remove the col-450 and fit classes from the p tags in the markup below?

Current markup

<div class="grid col-450 fit">
<p class="p1"></p><!-- /.p1 -->
<p class="p2"></p><!-- /.p2 -->
</div><!-- /.grid -->

What end result are you trying to achieve?

I guess you’re expecting something different than “select it and press Backspace on your keyboard”.
So explain your problem in more detailed way please

The classes control the layout of the page elements. When the viewport reaches a width of 768 px the layout breaks. By removing the col-450 and the fit classes form the p tags the layout works better. I would like to remove the classes col-450 and fit from the p tags between 768px and 980px.

You can’t remove that classes depending on screen size with CSS, but you can override them.
For example, if your col-450 class sets a width:

.col-450 { width: 450px; }

you can add media query to reset it:

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 980px) {
    .col-450 { width: auto; }

I need to be able to remove the classes from the p tags only. The page has additional markup elements which depend on these classes.

Can de classes be removed from the p tags via javascript or perhaps move the p tags outside the scope of the class col-450 and fit?

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 980px) {
    p.col-450 { width: auto; }

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