Regex replace

The ugly thing I’ve done :blush:

var str = 'Your confirmation was successful 5 seconds to redirect to login page';
var newstr = str.replace(/(\\d)/, "$1-1");

What’s the right way ?


Advice for what? Does it work?

I managed this code

function countDownRedirect(sel){
  var sec,re = /(\\d)/;
  var str = $(sel).text();
  var found = str.match(re);
  if(null === found){return;}
  sec = found[0];
  var intervalId = setInterval(f,1000);
  function f(){
    var newstr = str.replace(/(\\d)/, function(s, p) {
      return p-1;
      str = newstr;

Do you have any advice ?

Thanks for the code and for the english as well

var str = 'Your confirmation was successful 5 seconds to redirect to login page';
var newstr = str.replace(/(\\d)/, function(s, p) {
  return p-1;

The English is pretty bad though. I’d change it to this: ‘Your confirmation was successful. In 5 seconds you will be redirected to the login page.’;