Reformat PostgreSQL hierarchical data

I have the data below, returned from a PostgreSQL table using this SQL:

    SELECT ila.treelevel, 
           ila.treelevel-1 as parent, 
    FROM indexlistapp ila 
    WHERE ila.indexlistid IN (SELECT il.indexlistid 
                              FROM indexlist il
                              WHERE il.model =  '$model'
                              AND ('$year' BETWEEN il.beginyear AND il.endyear) 
                              AND il.type = '$part') 
    ORDER BY ila.seq;

Data Returned

    level   app              lrflag  ic             price     parent seq  indexlistid
    1,      'Front',         null,   null,          null,     0,     27,  439755
    2,      'V-Series'       null,   null,          null,     1,     28,  439755
    3,      'opt J56',       null,   null,          null,     2,     29,  439755
    4,      'R.',            'R',    '536-01132AR','693.00',  3,     30,  439755
    4,      'L.',            'L',    '536-01133AL','693.00',  3,     31,  439755
    3,      'opt J63',       null,   null,          null,     2,     32,  439755
    4,      'R.',            'R',    '536-01130R',  null,     3,     33,  439755
    4,      'L.',            'L',    '536-01131L',  null,     3,     34,  439755
    2,      'exc. V-Series', null,   null,          null,     1,     35,  439755
    3,      'opt JE5',       null,   null,          null,     2,     36,  439755
    4,      'AWD',           null,   null,          null,     3,     37,  439755
    5,      'R.',            null,   '536-01142',   null,     4,     38,  439755
    5,      'L.',            null,   '536-01143',   null,     4,     39,  439755
    4,      'RWD',           null,   null,          null,     3,     40,  439755
    5,      'R.',            null,   '536-01143',   null,     4,     41,  439755
    5,      'L.',            null,   '536-01142',   null,     4,     42,  439755
    3,      'opt J55',       null,   null,          null,     2,     43,  439755
    4,      'AWD',           null,   null,          null,     3,     44,  439755
    5,      'R.',            null,   '536-01036',   null,     4,     45,  439755
    5,      'L.',            null,   '536-01037',   null,     4,     46,  439755
    4,      'RWD',           null,   null,          null,     3,     47,  439755
    5,      'R.',            null,   '536-01037',   null,     4,     48,  439755
    5,      'L.',            null,   '536-01036',   null,     4,     49,  439755
    1,      'Rear',          null,   null,          null,     0,     260, 439765
    2,      'Base',          null,   null,          null,     1,     261, 439765
    3,      'opt JE5',       null,   null,          null,     2,     262, 439765
    4,      'R.',            'R',    '536-01038R',  null,     3,     263, 439765
    4,      'L.',            'L',    '536-01039L',  null,     3,     264, 439765
    3,      'opt J55',       null,   null,          null,     2,     265, 439765
    4,      'R.',            'R',    '536-01042R',  null,     3,     266, 439765
    4,      'L.',            'L',    '536-01043L',  null,     3,     267, 439765
    2,      'V-Series',      null,   null,          null,     1,     268, 439765
    3,      'R.',            'R',    '536-01134AR', '403.00', 2,     269, 439765
    3,      'L.',            'L',    '536-01135AL', '466.00', 2,     270, 439765

matching data from indexlist

    model  type   beginyear  endyear  indexlistid
    'CTS', '536', 2009,      2010,    439755
    'CTS', '536', 2009,      2010,    439765

There are primary keys on indexlist (on indexlistid) and indexlistapp (on indexlistid)
but there is no foreign key pointing to the other table. The indexlistid in indexlist
points directly to the indexlistid in indexlistapp. The parent column is simply calculated
from the treelevel. The tree is built entirely from the seq and treelevel.

This is the expected result, I need the data to be returned in this format:

    app                                   price      ic
    'Front-V-Series-opt J56-R.',          '$693',    '536-01132AR'
    'Front-V-Series-opt J56-L.',          '$693',    '536-01132AL'
    'Front-V-Series-opt J63-R.',          null,      '536-01130R'
    'Front-V-Series-opt J63-L.',          null,      '536-01131L'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt JE5-AWD-R.', null,      '536-01142'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt JE5-AWD-L.', null,      '536-01143'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt JE5-RWD-R.', null,      '536-01143'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt JE5-RWD-L.', null,      '536-01142'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt J55-AWD-R.', null,      '536-01136'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt J55-AWD-L.', null,      '536-01137'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt J55-RWD-R.', null,      '536-01137'
    'Front-exc. V-Series-opt J55-RWD-L.', null,      '536-01136'
    'Rear-Base-opt JE5-R.',               null,      '536-01038R'
    'Rear-Base-opt JE5-L.',               null,      '536-01039L'
    'Rear-Base-opt J55-R.',               null,      '536-01042R'
    'Rear-Base-opt J55-L.',               null,      '536-01043L'
    'Rear-V-Series-R.',                   '$403.00', '536-01134AR'
    'Rear-V-Series-L.',                   '$466.00', '536-01135AL'

I am unsure how to do this in SQL.

Not sure why posting the structures is going to help but here they are:

    CREATE TABLE indexlist
      model character varying(30),
      type character varying(3),
      beginyear smallint,
      endyear smallint,
      indexlistid integer NOT NULL

    CREATE TABLE indexlistapp
      treelevel smallint,
      app character varying(255),
      lrflag character varying(1),
      ic character varying(12),
      price numeric(10,2),
      seq smallint,
      indexlistid integer

I’m getting close…
Using this recursive sql (REF:, I’m able to get it close. Just not sure why it is returning 476 rows vs. 34.!15/ca1ee/3

    WITH RECURSIVE the_tree AS (
    	SELECT g.seq,, g.price, g.ic, g.treelevel::INTEGER
    	FROM indexlistapp g
    	WHERE g.indexlistid in (SELECT il.indexlistid 
    				FROM indexlist il
    				WHERE il.model =  'CTS'
    				AND ('2010' BETWEEN il.beginyear AND il.endyear) 
    				AND il.type = '536')
    	AND g.treelevel = 1
    	SELECT t.seq, || ', ' || AS app, t.price, t.ic, t.treelevel::INTEGER + 1
    	FROM the_tree AS t
    	INNER JOIN indexlistapp g ON g.treelevel = t.treelevel + 1
    	WHERE g.indexlistid in (SELECT il.indexlistid 
    				FROM indexlist il
    				WHERE il.model =  'CTS'
    				AND ('2010' BETWEEN il.beginyear AND il.endyear) 
    				AND il.type = '536')
    SELECT * from the_tree;

I also found a cool use of string_agg that is working, somewhat, just not returning everything I want and returning it in reverse order:

SELECT indexlistid, treelevel, string_agg(app, ', ' order by seq::TEXT, string_agg(DISTINCT price::TEXT, ', ')
	FROM indexlistapp g
	WHERE g.indexlistid in (SELECT il.indexlistid 
				FROM indexlist il
				WHERE il.model =  'CTS'
				AND ('2010' BETWEEN il.beginyear AND il.endyear) 
				AND il.type = '536')				
GROUP BY indexlistid, treelevel

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